Debugging Functions in R
Statistics 506


When writing simple functions in R, it is often sufficient to write the code external to a function, then once it is working, wrap it in a function call.

However, as your functions get more advanced, it becomes more common to need to figure out bugs in the code, and extracting the code from the function body each time is inefficient.

Here are a few ways you can debug R functions, starting with the simplest and ending with the most formal.

Saving objects into global environment

We discussed earlier avoiding using the <<- assignment. Debugging is one case where it is permissible - just be sure to remove it once you’re done debugging! The <<- assigns an object into the global environment, regardless of being inside a function. (Recall that <- inside a function assigns the object in the environment of the function, and that environment (and all its objects) get deleted when the function exits, via error or return).

#' Calculate sample skewness
#' @param x a numeric vector
#' @return skewness
skewness <- function(x) {
  xbar <- mean(x)
  xc <- x - xbar
  num <- sum(xc^3)
  denom <- sum(xc^2)
  num <<- num
  denom <<- denom
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'num' not found
s <- skewness(sample(1:100, 10, TRUE))
c(num, denom)
[1] -6618  2626

Be sure to remove these objects once you are done! If not, you can miss obvious issues.

broken_function <- function(y) {
  num < -3
  (y - mean(y))/num
[1]  0.0003022061  0.0001511031  0.0000000000 -0.0001511031 -0.0003022061

This function should error! But it doens’t, since num still exists from earlier.

rm(num, denom)
Error in broken_function(1:5): object 'num' not found


Whenever you call a function in R, you enter the call stack. Consider the following:

foo <- function(x) {
  x <- x + 1

bar <- function(x) {
  a <- baz(x)

baz <- function(x) {
  sum(x, "a")

What happens if we call foo(3)? First, we enter the function foo. Inside here we call bar, so now we’re inside bar inside foo. Then inside bar we call baz, so we’re insde baz inside bar inside foo. The stack thus consists of 1: foo, 2: bar, 3: baz.

Knowing where we are in this callstack can help a lot with debugging functions:

Error in sum(x, "a"): invalid 'type' (character) of argument
3: baz(x) at #2
2: bar(x) at #3
1: foo(3)

The numbers tell you which line of the calling function each sub-function is referenced at: the “#3” means the call to bar occurs on the 3rd line of foo (including the definition line).

This can help you to identify what specific function is erroring (this is especially useful during modeling steps as there can be a very large call stack), or what other functions in the callstack may be causing the issue.

The “browser”

Formal debugging, stepping through a function line-by-line as if it were purely interactive, can be performed by using the “browser”. There are two ways to enter the browser:

  1. Use the debug function to flag your function. E.g. debug(foo). The next time foo() is called, the browser will be started. You can undebug(foo) to turn off the browser for it, or redefine the function.

  2. Especially if you have a long function, you can choose to enter the browser at any line in the function by including a call to browser(). For example,

    foo <- function(x) {
      x <- abs(x)
      x <- x + 1

    Calling foo() will enter the browser at the line x <- x + 1.

Using the browser

Here’s the what the browser looks like:

foo <- function(x, y = 3) {
  q <- 3
  z <- bar(x, y)
  return(q + z)
bar <- function(a, b) {
  out <- b
  for (i in 1:a) {
    out <- out + b
> foo(2)
Called from: foo(2)
Browse[1]> debug at #3: bar(x, y)

We see the text Browse[n] prepended to the typical > prompt. The number there represents the position in the call stack, here we called foo directly from the global environment (1), and then foo’s environment is on top of it (2).

All normal R commands:

Browse[2]> 2 + 2
[1] 4
Browse[2]> ls()
[1] "x" "y"

Note that we are in an environment for foo, not the global environment - the only objects that exist are those that are passed into foo. You can examine these objects to see their current status at any time. As you create new objects, they’ll exist in this environment as well.

In addition to normal R commands, you can use the following special command:

  • Q: Terminate the browser, not running any further code.
  • c: Terminate the browser by running the remaining code to completion.
  • n: Run the next line of code
  • s: Run the next line of code, but step into any function calls.
  • Blank: Run s or n, whichever was most recent.
  • where: Print the call stack.

An example. First we n to the call to bar, the step into that call (note the change to the prompt of Browse[3]), go through a few steps of that, then use c to finish running the code.

> foo(2)
Called from: foo(2)
Browse[1]> debug at #3: q <- 3
Browse[2]> n
debug at #4: z <- bar(x, y)
Browse[2]> s
debugging in: bar(x, y)
debug at #1: {
    out <- b
    for (i in 1:a) {
        out <- out + b
Browse[3]> n
debug at #2: out <- b
Browse[3]> n
debug at #3: for (i in 1:a) {
    out <- out + b
Browse[3]> c
exiting from: bar(x, y)
debug at #5: return(q + z)
Browse[2]> c
[1] 12