Git Preliminary Assignment
Statistics 506

You may already have a Github account set-up, along with linking it to your computer. If so, ensure everything works, and nothing else to do here.

If you do not have an account, please carry out the following steps. (If you have an account but have not linked it to your computer, start at step 2.)

  1. Create account on You can either create a personal account (which I’d recommend) or create an account through UM.
  2. Generate an SSH key via RStudio
    • Options -> Git/SVN, if “SSH Key” field is empty, click on “Create SSH Key” and create an ED25519 key (I recommend leaving the passphrase blank).
  3. Add your public SSH key to GitHub

(If you’d prefer to manage your SSH keys manually or just outside of RStudio, this support document may be useful. Specifically these three documents. Make sure you select the proper operating system.)