Statistics 506

During lecture, we encountered a seeming contradiction, where manually setting the mc.cores argument to parallel::mclapply resulted in better performance than the default, which I had thought was the value of detectCores().

The default argument to mc.cores is not the value of detectCores(), but is instead 2.

Additionally, we saw that we could increase the argument to mc.cores above detectCores(), it turns out that mclapply isn’t “core-aware” - it simply spawns new processes, so you could set mc.cores as high you’d like, but once you get above the number of available cores, it will likely slow you down even more as a single core needs to switch between processes.

Here’s a demonstration.

[1] 8

The machine I am compiling these notes on has access to 8 cores.

Loading required package: Matrix
f <- function(dat) {
     lmer(Petal.Width ~ . - Species + (1 | Species),
          data = dat)

We’ll run a simulation for mc.cores = 1 through mc.cores = 16, as well as leaving it at it’s default of 2.

reps <- 100
savemat <- matrix(rep(-1, reps*18), ncol = 18)

for (i in seq_len(reps)) {
  # lapply
  savemat[i, 1] <-
    system.time(lapply(1:100, function(x) f(iris)))["elapsed"]

  # mclapply with the default argument
  savemat[i, 2] <-
    system.time(mclapply(1:100, function(x) f(iris)))["elapsed"]

  # mclapply with increasing `mc.cores` argument
  for (j in 1:16) {
    savemat[i, j + 2] <-
                           function(x) f(iris),
                           mc.cores = j))["elapsed"]

# remove any outliers that will make the plot look bad:

savemat <- apply(savemat, 2, function(x) {
  x[x > mean(x) + 3*sd(x) | x < mean(x) - 3*sd(x)] <- NA

boxplot(savemat, xaxt = "n")
# Add a nicer axis - "L" for lapply, "D" for default
axis(1, at = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 18),
     labels = c("L", "D", 1, 2, 4, 8, 16))

So we see

  1. mclapply with mc.cores = 1 simply calls lapply, so performance is similar.
  2. Leaving mc.cores at its default does indeed give performance equivalent to mc.cores =2.
  3. As we move above the 8 cores my machine has, peformance continues to degrade.