Problem Set #02 Solutions
Statistics 506

Problem Set #02

Problem 1 Solutions - Dice Game

#' Dice game version 1 - using a loop
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @return Total won/lost
play1 <- function(n) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  total <- 0

  for (i in 1:n) {
    total <- total - 2 # cost to play
    if (die[i] %% 2 == 0) {
      total <- total + die[i]
    # if 1,3,5, no change to total besides loss of 2 above


#' Dice game version 2 - with vectorized R functions
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @return Total won/lost
play2 <- function(n) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  odds <- die %% 2 == 1
  # odds is now a logical vector of length n

  winnings <- die
  # We can replace the odd die rolls with 0 to get the total winnings
  winnings[odds] <- 0
  # Be sure to remove the cost to play
  return(sum(winnings) - 2*n)

#' Dice game version 3 - using `table`
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @return Total won/lost
play3 <- function(n) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  # Convert to a factor to include 0 counts
  die <- table(factor(die, levels = 1:6))

  # Add together winnings, then subtract out the total cost (2 per die)
  out <- die[2]*2 + die[4]*4 + die[6]*6 - 2*n
  # `out` will be named (since the table `die` is, so just remove that for a
  # cleaner output.
  names(out) <- NULL


#' Dice game version 4 - using apply
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @return Total won/lost
play4 <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  # use vapply for maximum performance.
  return(-2*n + sum(vapply(die, function(x) {
    if (x %% 2 == 0) {
    } else {
  }, 1)))
c(play1(3), play2(3), play3(3), play4(3))
[1] -6  0 -4 -4
c(play1(3000), play2(3000), play3(3000), play4(3000))
[1] 246 260 110 138

To do this, let’s add a seed argument to each function.

#' Dice game version 1 - using a loop
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @param seed If not `null`, a random seed
#' @return Total won/lost
play1seed <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  total <- 0

  for (i in 1:n) {
    total <- total - 2 # cost to play
    if (die[i] %% 2 == 0) {
      total <- total + die[i]
    # if 1,3,5, no change to total besides loss of 2 above


#' Dice game version 2 - with vectorized R functions
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @param seed If not `null`, a random seed
#' @return Total won/lost
play2seed <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  odds <- die %% 2 == 1
  # odds is now a logical vector of length n

  winnings <- die
  # We can replace the odd die rolls with 0 to get the total winnings
  winnings[odds] <- 0
  # Be sure to remove the cost to play
  return(sum(winnings) - 2*n)

#' Dice game version 3 - using `table`
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @param seed If not `null`, a random seed
#' @return Total won/lost
play3seed <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  # Convert to a factor to include 0 counts
  die <- table(factor(die, levels = 1:6))

  # Add together winnings, then subtract out the total cost (2 per die)
  out <- die[2]*2 + die[4]*4 + die[6]*6 - 2*n
  # `out` will be named (since the table `die` is, so just remove that for a
  # cleaner output.
  names(out) <- NULL


#' Dice game version 4 - using apply
#' @param n Number of plays to make
#' @param seed If not `null`, a random seed
#' @return Total won/lost
play4seed <- function(n, seed = NULL) {
  if (n < 1) {
    # If 0 (or less rolls) no winning or losing

  die <- sample(1:6, n, replace = TRUE)

  # use vapply for maximum performance.
  return(-2*n + sum(vapply(die, function(x) {
    if (x %% 2 == 0) {
    } else {
  }, 1)))
c(play1seed(3, seed = 1234),
  play2seed(3, seed = 1234),
  play3seed(3, seed = 1234),
  play4seed(3, seed = 1234))
[1] 6 6 6 6
c(play1seed(3000, seed = 543892),
  play2seed(3000, seed = 543892),
  play3seed(3000, seed = 543892),
  play4seed(3000, seed = 543892))
[1] -122 -122 -122 -122
microbenchmark(loop   = play1seed(100, seed = 123),
               vctrzd = play2seed(100, seed = 123),
               table  = play3seed(100, seed = 123),
               apply  = play4seed(100, seed = 123))
Warning in microbenchmark(loop = play1seed(100, seed = 123), vctrzd =
play2seed(100, : less accurate nanosecond times to avoid potential integer
Unit: microseconds
   expr    min      lq     mean  median     uq    max neval  cld
   loop 14.924 15.2110 15.94900 15.4570 16.154 21.033   100 a   
 vctrzd  7.585  8.0155  9.11840  8.5280  9.143 18.655   100  b  
  table 30.094 30.8935 33.08249 31.8160 34.604 65.805   100   c 
  apply 34.071 34.4400 35.20096 34.6655 35.301 42.599   100    d
microbenchmark(loop   = play1seed(10000, seed = 123),
               vctrzd = play2seed(10000, seed = 123),
               table  = play3seed(10000, seed = 123),
               apply  = play4seed(10000, seed = 123))
Unit: microseconds
   expr      min       lq      mean    median        uq      max neval  cld
   loop 1090.313 1107.656 1193.5555 1122.9695 1146.5445 2272.753   100 a   
 vctrzd  303.195  315.864  321.9361  321.4605  327.6105  356.249   100  b  
  table  496.100  523.488  533.0373  531.5445  540.7900  607.456   100   c 
  apply 2934.493 2998.391 3173.1302 3035.5580 3112.2485 5187.648   100    d

Your results may vary of course. As the sample size changes, the performance of the loop vs the table reverses. Apply’s is always worst, vectorization is unsurprisingly always best.

Just out of curiousity, does setting the seed affect performance?

microbenchmark(noseed   = play2(100),
               nullseed = play2seed(100),
               seed     = play2seed(100, seed = 123))
Unit: microseconds
     expr   min     lq    mean median     uq    max neval cld
   noseed 5.535 5.9860 6.93761  6.355 6.9495 19.967   100 a  
 nullseed 7.872 8.4870 9.18072  8.774 9.2045 19.844   100  b 
     seed 7.503 7.7695 8.42632  7.954 8.7740 12.136   100   c
microbenchmark(noseed   = play2(10000),
               nullseed = play2seed(10000),
               seed     = play2seed(10000, seed = 123))
Unit: microseconds
     expr     min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval cld
   noseed 309.837 317.2990 346.7567 321.3375 328.8405 2551.389   100   a
 nullseed 310.903 319.6155 325.0939 323.6130 329.8040  366.581   100   a
     seed 304.220 315.5155 348.1236 320.7635 328.1025 2883.448   100   a

With low number of dice, the time it takes the work with the seed does appear to be non-trivial. However, as the number increases, the time for the seed becomes inconsequential.


Let’s run a Monte Carlo simulation to see what our winnings or loses average out to.

reps <- 10000
save <- vector(length = reps)
for (i in 1:reps) {
  save[i] <- play2(1000) # use the fastest version
abline(v = mean(save), col = "red")

The game looks fair! We can of course see this via combinatorics:

\[ E(\textrm{winnings}) = \frac{3}{6}*0 + \frac{1}{6}*2 + \frac{1}{6}*4 + \frac{1}{6}*6 -2 = 0 \]

Problem 2 Solutions - Linear Regression

cars <- read.csv("data/cars.csv")
 [1] "Dimensions.Height"                              
 [2] "Dimensions.Length"                              
 [3] "Dimensions.Width"                               
 [4] "Engine.Information.Driveline"                   
 [5] "Engine.Information.Engine.Type"                 
 [6] "Engine.Information.Hybrid"                      
 [7] "Engine.Information.Number.of.Forward.Gears"     
 [8] "Engine.Information.Transmission"                
 [9] "Fuel.Information.City.mpg"                      
[10] "Fuel.Information.Fuel.Type"                     
[11] "Fuel.Information.Highway.mpg"                   
[12] "Identification.Classification"                  
[13] "Identification.ID"                              
[14] "Identification.Make"                            
[15] "Identification.Model.Year"                      
[16] "Identification.Year"                            
[17] "Engine.Information.Engine.Statistics.Horsepower"
[18] "Engine.Information.Engine.Statistics.Torque"    
names(cars) <- c("height", "length", "width", "driveline", "engine_type",
                 "hybrid", "gears", "transmission", "mpg_city", "fuel",
                 "mpg_hwy", "class", "ID", "make", "model_and_year", "year",
                 "horsepower", "torque")

Compressed natural gas            Diesel fuel                    E85 
                     2                     27                    456 
gascars <- cars[cars$fuel == "Gasoline", ]
[1] 4591
mod <- lm(mpg_hwy ~ horsepower + torque + height + length + width +
            as.factor(year), data = gascars)

lm(formula = mpg_hwy ~ horsepower + torque + height + length + 
    width + as.factor(year), data = gascars)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-10.824  -2.550  -0.452   2.372 202.639 

                      Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)         32.2926630  0.7225982  44.690  < 2e-16 ***
horsepower           0.0163556  0.0022772   7.182 7.96e-13 ***
torque              -0.0507425  0.0022030 -23.034  < 2e-16 ***
height               0.0099079  0.0011267   8.794  < 2e-16 ***
length               0.0017290  0.0008836   1.957   0.0504 .  
width               -0.0003343  0.0009045  -0.370   0.7117    
as.factor(year)2010 -0.4539681  0.6768246  -0.671   0.5024    
as.factor(year)2011  0.1711016  0.6757043   0.253   0.8001    
as.factor(year)2012  1.3029279  0.6810076   1.913   0.0558 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 4.602 on 4582 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.4192,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4182 
F-statistic: 413.3 on 8 and 4582 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

We see a signficant positive relationship - higher horsepower is predicted to yield higher highway mileage, on average.

mod <- lm(mpg_hwy ~ horsepower*torque + height + length + width +
            as.factor(year), data = gascars)

To choose reasonable values for horsepower and torque, let’s look at histograms.


Horsepower goes from about 100 to 600.

Torque goes from about 150 to 750, but its extremely rare above 400, so we’ll restrict to that range.

emmip(mod, torque ~ horsepower, at = list(horsepower = seq(100, 600, 100),
                                          torque = c(200, 300, 400)))

interact_plot(mod, pred = horsepower, modx = torque,
              at = list(year = 2011))
Using data gascars from global environment. This could cause incorrect
results if gascars has been altered since the model was fit. You can
manually provide the data to the "data =" argument.


We can take the same formula, and use it to generate design matrix \(X\).

X <- model.matrix(mpg_hwy ~ horsepower*torque + height + length + width +
                    as.factor(year), data = gascars)
y <- gascars$mpg_hwy
betahat <- solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%y
cbind(mod$coef, betahat)
                             [,1]          [,2]
(Intercept)         42.1879478687 42.1879478687
horsepower          -0.0166633227 -0.0166633227
torque              -0.0860592704 -0.0860592704
height               0.0065603903  0.0065603903
length               0.0017767232  0.0017767232
width               -0.0011694485 -0.0011694485
as.factor(year)2010 -0.5627857770 -0.5627857770
as.factor(year)2011  0.0725356431  0.0725356431
as.factor(year)2012  1.1970329986  1.1970329986
horsepower:torque    0.0001123567  0.0001123567

Problem 3 Solutions - Stata

The complete .Do file can be found here. The results are included in each section below.

I imported the data via the menu, it generated this code:

import delimited "/Users/josh/repositories/_teaching/506-f23/data/cars.csv", clear
. rename dimensionsheight height
. rename dimensionslength length
. rename dimensionswidth width
. rename engineinformationdriveline driveline
. rename engineinformationenginetype engine_type
. rename engineinformationhybrid hybrid
. rename engineinformationnumberofforward gears
. rename engineinformationtransmission transmission
. rename fuelinformationcitympg mpg_city
. rename fuelinformationfueltype fuel
. rename fuelinformationhighwaympg mpg_hwy
. rename identificationclassification class
. rename identificationid ID
. rename identificationmake make
. rename identificationmodelyear model_and_year
. rename identificationyear year
. rename engineinformationenginestatistic horsepower
. rename v18 torque
. tab fuel

 Fuel Information.Fuel |
                  Type |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
Compressed natural gas |          2        0.04        0.04
           Diesel fuel |         27        0.53        0.57
                   E85 |        456        8.98        9.55
              Gasoline |      4,591       90.45      100.00
                 Total |      5,076      100.00

. keep if fuel == "Gasoline"
(485 observations deleted)

. count
. regress mpg_hwy horsepower torque height length width i.year

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     4,591
-------------+----------------------------------   F(8, 4582)      =    413.35
       Model |  70043.6695         8  8755.45869   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |   97055.298     4,582  21.1818634   R-squared       =    0.4192
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.4182
       Total |  167098.968     4,590  36.4050038   Root MSE        =    4.6024

     mpg_hwy | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
  horsepower |   .0163556   .0022772     7.18   0.000     .0118913      .02082
      torque |  -.0507425    .002203   -23.03   0.000    -.0550614   -.0464236
      height |   .0099079   .0011267     8.79   0.000      .007699    .0121168
      length |    .001729   .0008836     1.96   0.050    -3.36e-06    .0034613
       width |  -.0003343   .0009045    -0.37   0.712    -.0021075    .0014388
        year |
       2010  |  -.4539681   .6768246    -0.67   0.502     -1.78087    .8729342
       2011  |   .1711016   .6757043     0.25   0.800    -1.153604    1.495808
       2012  |   1.302928   .6810076     1.91   0.056    -.0321751    2.638031
       _cons |   32.29266   .7225982    44.69   0.000     30.87602     33.7093

We get the same results as in R. (Note that this may not be the case for models solved by iterative optimzation, but will be the case for least squares. R and Stata use slightly different algorithms for optimizations - the results should be extremely similar (to the point that differences are almost always ignorable) but you shouldn’t expect identical results like we get here.)


The code for the histograms is below but I’m not including the output - it looks identical to R’s of course.

. histogram horsepower
. histogram torque
. regress mpg_hwy c.horsepower##c.torque height length width i.year

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     4,591
-------------+----------------------------------   F(9, 4581)      =    480.07
       Model |  81105.8715         9  9011.76351   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |   85993.096     4,581  18.7716865   R-squared       =    0.4854
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.4844
       Total |  167098.968     4,590  36.4050038   Root MSE        =    4.3326

              mpg_hwy | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
           horsepower |  -.0166633   .0025388    -6.56   0.000    -.0216406    -.011686
               torque |  -.0860593   .0025333   -33.97   0.000    -.0910257   -.0810928
c.horsepower#c.torque |   .0001124   4.63e-06    24.28   0.000     .0001033    .0001214
               height |   .0065604   .0010696     6.13   0.000     .0044634    .0086573
               length |   .0017767   .0008318     2.14   0.033     .0001459    .0034075
                width |  -.0011694   .0008521    -1.37   0.170      -.00284    .0005011
                 year |
                2010  |  -.5627858   .6371716    -0.88   0.377    -1.811949    .6863777
                2011  |   .0725356   .6361142     0.11   0.909    -1.174555    1.319626
                2012  |   1.197033   .6411085     1.87   0.062    -.0598488    2.453915
                _cons |   42.18795   .7930274    53.20   0.000     40.63323    43.74266

. quietly margins, at(horsepower = (100(100)600) torque = (200 300 400))
. marginsplot

. quietly tabulate year, gen(yr) // Generate dummy variables for year
. generate horsepower_torque = horsepower*torque // Generate interaction term
. generate intercept = 1 // Generate an intercept

Next, store the X and y matrix as matrix objects.

. mkmat intercept horsepower torque horsepower_torque height length width yr2 yr3 yr4, matrix(X)
. mkmat mpg_hwy, matrix(y)

Drop down to mata for the actual computation.

. mata:
-------------------- mata (type end to exit) --------------------
: X = st_matrix("X")
: y = st_matrix("y")
: invsym(X'*X)*X'*y
   1 |   42.18794787  |
   2 |  -.0166633227  |
   3 |  -.0860592704  |
   4 |   .0001123567  |
   5 |   .0065603903  |
   6 |   .0017767232  |
   7 |  -.0011694485  |
   8 |   -.562785777  |
   9 |   .0725356431  |
  10 |   1.197032999  |
: end