Problem Set #04 Solutions
Statistics 506

Problem Set #04

Problem 1 Solutions - Tidyverse

# Departure
flights %>%
  group_by(origin) %>%
  summarize(mean_delay = mean(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
            med_delay = median(dep_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
            numflights = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(numflights >= 10) %>%
  rename(faa = origin) %>%
  left_join(airports, by = "faa") %>%
  select(name, mean_delay, med_delay) %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 3
  name                mean_delay med_delay
  <chr>                    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 Newark Liberty Intl       15.1        -1
2 John F Kennedy Intl       12.1        -1
3 La Guardia                10.3        -3
# Arrival
flights %>%
  group_by(dest) %>%
  summarize(mean_delay = mean(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
            med_delay = median(arr_delay, na.rm = TRUE),
            numflights = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  filter(numflights >= 10) %>%
  rename(faa = dest) %>%
  left_join(airports, by = "faa") %>%
  mutate(name = coalesce(name, faa)) %>%
  select(name, mean_delay, med_delay) %>%
  arrange(desc(mean_delay)) %>%
  print(n = count(.))
# A tibble: 102 × 3
    name                                   mean_delay med_delay
    <chr>                                       <dbl>     <dbl>
  1 "Columbia Metropolitan"                   41.8         28  
  2 "Tulsa Intl"                              33.7         14  
  3 "Will Rogers World"                       30.6         16  
  4 "Jackson Hole Airport"                    28.1         15  
  5 "Mc Ghee Tyson"                           24.1          2  
  6 "Dane Co Rgnl Truax Fld"                  20.2          1  
  7 "Richmond Intl"                           20.1          1  
  8 "Akron Canton Regional Airport"           19.7          3  
  9 "Des Moines Intl"                         19.0          0  
 10 "Gerald R Ford Intl"                      18.2          1  
 11 "Birmingham Intl"                         16.9         -2  
 12 "Theodore Francis Green State"            16.2          1  
 13 "Greenville-Spartanburg International"    15.9         -0.5
 14 "Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Intl"       15.4         -3  
 15 "Savannah Hilton Head Intl"               15.1         -1  
 16 "Manchester Regional Airport"             14.8         -3  
 17 "Eppley Afld"                             14.7         -2  
 18 "Yeager"                                  14.7         -1.5
 19 "Kansas City Intl"                        14.5          0  
 20 "Albany Intl"                             14.4         -4  
 21 "General Mitchell Intl"                   14.2          0  
 22 "Piedmont Triad"                          14.1         -2  
 23 "Washington Dulles Intl"                  13.9         -3  
 24 "Cherry Capital Airport"                  13.0        -10  
 25 "James M Cox Dayton Intl"                 12.7         -3  
 26 "Louisville International Airport"        12.7         -2  
 27 "Chicago Midway Intl"                     12.4         -1  
 28 "Sacramento Intl"                         12.1          4  
 29 "Jacksonville Intl"                       11.8         -2  
 30 "Nashville Intl"                          11.8         -2  
 31 "Portland Intl Jetport"                   11.7         -4  
 32 "Greater Rochester Intl"                  11.6         -5  
 33 "Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Intl"         11.3         -1  
 34 "Lambert St Louis Intl"                   11.1         -3  
 35 "Norfolk Intl"                            10.9         -4  
 36 "Baltimore Washington Intl"               10.7         -5  
 37 "Memphis Intl"                            10.6         -2.5
 38 "Port Columbus Intl"                      10.6         -3  
 39 "Charleston Afb Intl"                     10.6         -4  
 40 "Philadelphia Intl"                       10.1         -3  
 41 "Raleigh Durham Intl"                     10.1         -3  
 42 "Indianapolis Intl"                        9.94        -3  
 43 "Charlottesville-Albemarle"                9.5         -5  
 44 "Cleveland Hopkins Intl"                   9.18        -5  
 45 "Ronald Reagan Washington Natl"            9.07        -2  
 46 "Burlington Intl"                          8.95        -4  
 47 "Buffalo Niagara Intl"                     8.95        -5  
 48 "Syracuse Hancock Intl"                    8.90        -5  
 49 "Denver Intl"                              8.61        -2  
 50 "Palm Beach Intl"                          8.56        -3  
 51 "BQN"                                      8.25        -1  
 52 "Bob Hope"                                 8.18        -3  
 53 "Fort Lauderdale Hollywood Intl"           8.08        -3  
 54 "Bangor Intl"                              8.03        -9  
 55 "Asheville Regional Airport"               8.00        -1  
 56 "PSE"                                      7.87         0  
 57 "Pittsburgh Intl"                          7.68        -5  
 58 "Gallatin Field"                           7.6         -2  
 59 "NW Arkansas Regional"                     7.47        -2  
 60 "Tampa Intl"                               7.41        -4  
 61 "Charlotte Douglas Intl"                   7.36        -3  
 62 "Minneapolis St Paul Intl"                 7.27        -5  
 63 "William P Hobby"                          7.18        -4  
 64 "Bradley Intl"                             7.05       -10  
 65 "San Antonio Intl"                         6.95        -9  
 66 "South Bend Rgnl"                          6.5         -3.5
 67 "Louis Armstrong New Orleans Intl"         6.49        -6  
 68 "Key West Intl"                            6.35         7  
 69 "Eagle Co Rgnl"                            6.30        -4  
 70 "Austin Bergstrom Intl"                    6.02        -5  
 71 "Chicago Ohare Intl"                       5.88        -8  
 72 "Orlando Intl"                             5.45        -5  
 73 "Detroit Metro Wayne Co"                   5.43        -7  
 74 "Portland Intl"                            5.14        -5  
 75 "Nantucket Mem"                            4.85        -3  
 76 "Wilmington Intl"                          4.64        -7  
 77 "Myrtle Beach Intl"                        4.60       -13  
 78 "Albuquerque International Sunport"        4.38        -5.5
 79 "George Bush Intercontinental"             4.24        -5  
 80 "Norman Y Mineta San Jose Intl"            3.45        -7  
 81 "Southwest Florida Intl"                   3.24        -5  
 82 "San Diego Intl"                           3.14        -5  
 83 "Sarasota Bradenton Intl"                  3.08        -5  
 84 "Metropolitan Oakland Intl"                3.08        -9  
 85 "General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl"       2.91        -9  
 86 "San Francisco Intl"                       2.67        -8  
 87 "SJU"                                      2.52        -6  
 88 "Yampa Valley"                             2.14         2  
 89 "Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl"                  2.10        -6  
 90 "Montrose Regional Airport"                1.79       -10.5
 91 "Los Angeles Intl"                         0.547       -7  
 92 "Dallas Fort Worth Intl"                   0.322       -9  
 93 "Miami Intl"                               0.299       -9  
 94 "Mc Carran Intl"                           0.258       -8  
 95 "Salt Lake City Intl"                      0.176       -8  
 96 "Long Beach"                              -0.0620     -10  
 97 "Martha\\\\'s Vineyard"                   -0.286      -11  
 98 "Seattle Tacoma Intl"                     -1.10       -11  
 99 "Honolulu Intl"                           -1.37        -7  
100 "STT"                                     -3.84        -9  
101 "John Wayne Arpt Orange Co"               -7.87       -11  
102 "Palm Springs Intl"                      -12.7        -13.5
flights %>%
  left_join(planes, by = "tailnum") %>%
  mutate(time = air_time/60,
         mph = distance/time) %>%
  group_by(model) %>%
  summarize(avgmph = mean(mph, na.rm = TRUE),
            nflights = n()) %>%
  arrange(desc(avgmph)) %>%
# A tibble: 1 × 3
  model   avgmph nflights
  <chr>    <dbl>    <int>
1 777-222   483.        4

Problem 2 Solutions - get_temp()

##' Get average monthly temperature
##' @param month Numeric or string month
##' @param year Year
##' @param data Data set containing `month_numeric`, `year`, and `temp` columns
##' @param average_fn Function to compute average. Default is `mean`.
##' @param celsius Logical, default `FALSE` (return fahrenheit instead)
##' @return Average temperature
get_temp <- function(month, year, data, average_fn = mean, celsius = FALSE) {

  if (month %>% is.numeric) {
    # Ifmonth` is numeric, make sure it is valid
    if (month < 1 | month > 12) {
      stop("Invalid month")
  } else if (month %>% is.character) {
    # If `month` is a string, use `match.arg` to handle abbrevations
    months <- c("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
                "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")
    month %>%
      match.arg(months) %>%
      `==`(months) %>%
      which -> month
  } else {
    stop("Month must be numeric or character")

  if (!year %>% is.numeric) {
    stop("year must be numeric")
  if (year < 1997 | year > 2000) {
    stop("year out of range")

  if (!(average_fn %>% is.function)) {
    stop("average_fn must be a function")

  data %>%
    select(temp, month_numeric, year) %>%
    rename(year_col = year) %>% # Rename to avoid conflict between `year` and
                                # `data$year`
    filter(year_col == year,
           month_numeric == month) %>%
    summarize(avgtmp = average_fn(temp)) %>%
    mutate(avgtmp = ifelse(isTRUE(celsius), 5/9*(avgtmp - 32), avgtmp)) %>%
    as.numeric -> out # convert to numeric for result

nnmaps <- read_csv("data/chicago-nmmaps.csv")
get_temp("Apr", 1999, data = nnmaps)
[1] 49.8
get_temp("Apr", 1999, data = nnmaps, celsius = TRUE)
[1] 9.888889
get_temp(10, 1998, data = nnmaps, average_fn = median)
[1] 55
get_temp(13, 1998, data = nnmaps)
Error in get_temp(13, 1998, data = nnmaps): Invalid month
get_temp(2, 2005, data = nnmaps)
Error in get_temp(2, 2005, data = nnmaps): year out of range
get_temp("November", 1999, data =nnmaps, celsius = TRUE,
         average_fn = function(x) {
           x %>% sort -> x
           x[2:(length(x) - 1)] %>% mean %>% return
[1] 7.301587

Problem 3 Solutions - SAS

Complete .sas script can be found here.

Results can be found here.

* Read in data;
DATA recs;
    SET "~/recs2020_public_v5.sas7bdat";
    WEIGHT nweight;
    TABLES state_name;

From the results, we see that California has the highest proportion of records, and Michigan accounts for 3.17% of records.

** Restrict data to non-zero values for visibility;
DATA recs2;
    SET recs;
    IF dollarfo > 0;

PROC SGPLOT DATA=work.recs2;
   histogram dollarfo ;
** Take the log transformation;
    ldollarfo = LOG(dollarfo);

   HISTOGRAM ldollarfo;


** prkgplc1 contains -2 for missing values, drop;
DATA recs4;
    SET recs3;
    WHERE prkgplc1 >= 0;

    CLASS prkgplc1;
    MODEL ldollarfo=totrooms prkgplc1 / SOLUTION;
    WEIGHT nweight;
    OUTPUT OUT=predresults PREDICTED=pred;
** Exponentiate predicted value;
DATA predresults2;
    SET predresults;
    predexp = EXP(pred);

PROC SGPLOT DATA=predresults2;
    SCATTER X=dollarfo Y=predexp;

Problem 4 Solutions - Multiple tools


The codebook was generated with Stata’s codebook command.


LIBNAME home "~";

/* Read in data */
DATA work.shed;
    SET "~/public2022.sas7bdat";

/* Extract relevant columns, and rename */
    CREATE TABLE work.shedsmall AS
        SELECT b3 AS financial, nd2 as naturaldisaster,
               b7_b AS economic_condition,
               gh1 AS home, educ_4cat, race_5cat
          FROM work.shed;

/* Convert to binary */
DATA work.shedsmall;
    set work.shedsmall;
    worseoff = financial le 2;
/* Export */
DATA home.shedsmall;
    SET work.shedsmall;


The complete Do-file can be found here.

. import sas using "data/shedsmall.sas7bdat", clear
(7 vars, 11,667 obs)
. rename _all, lower
  (all newnames==oldnames)
. describe, short
Contains data
 Observations:        11,667
    Variables:             9
Sorted by:
     Note: Dataset has changed since last saved.
. capture drop worseoff2
. generate worseoff2 = financial <= 2
. * Show that both SAS and Stata produce the same binary
. tabulate worseoff worseoff2

           |       worseoff2
  worseoff |         0          1 |     Total
         0 |     7,371          0 |     7,371
         1 |         0      4,296 |     4,296
     Total |     7,371      4,296 |    11,667
. svyset caseid [pw=weight_pop]

Sampling weights: weight_pop
             VCE: linearized
     Single unit: missing
        Strata 1: <one>
 Sampling unit 1: caseid
           FPC 1: <zero>
. svy: logit worseoff naturaldisaster economic_condition i.home ///
>                    i.educ_4cat i.race_5cat, or
(running logit on estimation sample)

Survey: Logistic regression

Number of strata =      1                        Number of obs   =      11,667
Number of PSUs   = 11,667                        Population size = 255,114,223
                                                 Design df       =      11,666
                                                 F(12, 11655)    =       71.73
                                                 Prob > F        =      0.0000

                  |             Linearized
         worseoff | Odds ratio   std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
  naturaldisaster |   .9649101   .0293842    -1.17   0.241     .9089975    1.024262
economic_condit~n |   .3796709   .0138959   -26.46   0.000     .3533866    .4079101
             home |
               2  |   1.067679   .0600423     1.16   0.244     .9562412    1.192104
               3  |   .9682945   .0564471    -0.55   0.580     .8637363     1.08551
               4  |   .7018847   .0692285    -3.59   0.000      .578497    .8515899
        educ_4cat |
               2  |   .8904145   .1032571    -1.00   0.317     .7093691    1.117666
               3  |   .8437971   .0936402    -1.53   0.126     .6788382    1.048841
               4  |   .7244437    .080169    -2.91   0.004     .5831743    .8999344
        race_5cat |
               2  |    .491115   .0396372    -8.81   0.000     .4192537    .5752937
               3  |   .8486486   .0605296    -2.30   0.021     .7379212    .9759911
               4  |   .6379569   .0801576    -3.58   0.000      .498688    .8161194
               5  |   1.018366    .166154     0.11   0.911     .7396213    1.402162
            _cons |   4.493002   .6866228     9.83   0.000     3.329984    6.062213
Note: _cons estimates baseline odds.

The p-value of .241 indicates that we see no statistically significant evidence of a relationship between whether a person thinks a natural disaster is coming and whether a person believes they will be worse-off.

. save data/shedsmall, replace
file data/shedsmall.dta saved


dat <- read_dta("data/shedsmall.dta")
names(dat) <- tolower(names(dat))

design <- svydesign(id = ~ caseid, weight = ~ weight_pop, data = dat)

mod <- svyglm(worseoff ~ naturaldisaster + economic_condition +
                as.factor(home) + as.factor(educ_4cat) +
                as.factor(race_5cat), data = dat, design = design,
              family = quasibinomial)

[1] 0.1080233