Regression (miscellaneous topics)


This page covers several topics that are relevant for most kinds of regression analysis.

Basis functions

Many approaches to regression relate the expected value of the response variable to a linear predictor $x^\prime \beta$, such as the linear mean structure model $E[y|x] = x^\prime\beta$, or the single index model with link function $g$, $E[y] = g^{-1}(x^\prime\beta)$.

The linear mean structure model is linear in two senses – the conditional mean of $y$ given $x$ is linear in $x$ for fixed $\beta$, and it is linear in $\beta$ for fixed $x$. These two forms of linearity have very different implications. Linearity in $x$ for fixed $\beta$ is sometimes cited as a weakness of this type of model. People argue that it implies that modeling frameworks like ordinary least squares linear regression are only suitable for systems that behave linearly. Since most natural and social processes are not linear, this might seem to imply that such frameworks do not have broad utility.

However the (apparent) linearity of the mean structure model in the covariate vector $x$ is easily overcome. Long ago people realized that given a covariate $x$, say a person’s age, it is possible to include both $x$ and $x^2$ as covariates in a linear model. This retains the benefits of a linear estimation scheme, while allowing the model for the conditional mean function to be non-linear in the covariates.

Including powers of covariates (like $x^2$) is now seen as a less than ideal approach, but it may be the earliest example of a general technique utilizing “basis functions”. A family of basis functions is a collection of functions $g_1$, $g_2$, $\ldots$ such that we can include $g_1(x), g_2(x), \ldots$ as covariates in a model, in place of $x$. This allows the fitted mean function to take on any form that can be represented as a linear combination $\beta_1 g_1(x) + \beta_2 g_2(x) + \cdots$. Using a large collection of basis functions allows a large range of non-linear forms to be represented in this way. Basis functions thus allow non-linear mean structures to be fit to data using linear estimation techniques.

While the basis function approach is very powerful, it is now known that some families of basis functions have undesirable properties. Polynomial basis functions ($x^2$, etc.) are no longer widely used. One reason for this is that polynomial functions can be badly scaled (e.g. this happens when raising a large number to a high power). Also, polynomial basis functions can be highly colinear with each other, depending on the range of the data. For example, if $x$ falls uniformly between 0.8 and 1, then $x$ and $x^2$ are highly colinear. Finally, polynomial basis functions are not “local”, meaning that when using polynomial basis functions, the fitted value at a point $x$ can depend on data values $(x_i, y_i)$ where $x_i$ is far from $x$.

Local basis functions are families of functions such that each element in the family has limited support. One of the most popular forms of local basis functions is “splines”. We will not derive the mathematical form of a polynomial spline here in detail. Roughly speaking, a polynomial spline is a continuous and somewhat smooth function that has bounded support, and is a piecewise polynomial. Polynomial splines are “somewhat smooth” in that they have a finite number of continuous derivatives (often the function, and its first and second derivative are continuous, but the third derivative is not continuous).

Other popular families of basis functions used in various settings are wavelets, Fourier series, radial basis functions, and higher-dimensional basis functions formed via tensor products of univariate basis functions such as splines.

When working with basis functions, it is important to remember that terms derived from the same parent variable cannot vary independently of each other. For example, age determines age$^2$ and vice-versa. This means that in general, the coefficients of variables in a regression model that uses basis functions may be difficult to interpret. There are many ways to resolve this, especially using plots of predicted values as the underlying covariates are varied in systematic ways. For example, if we have a model relating BMI to age and sex, and we use basis functions to capture a non-linear role for age, we could make a plot showing the fitted values of $E[{\rm BMI} | {\rm age}, {\rm sex}]$ plotted against age, for each sex.

Using splines or other families of basis functions is a very powerful technique because it allows traditional methods to be used in a much broader range of settings, simply by augmenting the regression design matrix with additional columns. However in recent years even more powerful approaches to accommodating non-linearities in regression modeling have been devised that combine the use of basis functions with smoothing penalties. These approaches can do a better job of capturing non-linearity while also controlling the degree of smoothness. However they cannot use standard algorithms for fitting, or standard methods for inference. A class of models known as “generalized additive models” provides a practical framework for regression analysis using penalized splines, and addresses both the computational and inferential aspects of performing this type of analysis.


A transformation in statistics, broadly defined, refers to any setting in which a function $f$ is applied to the values of a variable being analyzed. It is easy to apply transformations, and there are many principled reasons for transforming data. But it is difficult to come up with a unifying theory and methodology that justifies or guides us in applying transformations in a broad range of settings.

In regression analysis, transformations can be applied to the dependent variable ($y$), to one or more of the independent variables ($x_j$), or to both independent and dependent variables simultaneously. One reason for transforming the data is to induce it to fit into a pre-existing regression framework. For example, ordinary least squares (OLS) is most efficient when the conditional mean $E[y|x]$ is linear in $x$, and the conditional variance ${\rm Var}[y|x]$ is constant. Sometimes, applying a transformation such as replacing $y$ with $\log(y)$ will induce linearity of the mean structure and homoscedasticity of the variance structure. However achieving linearity of $E[y|x]$ and achieving homoscedasticity (constant conditional variance) cannot always be achieved with the same transformation.

There are some methods for automating the process of selecting a transformation in linear regression, the most well-known being the Box-Cox method. However this only automates the process of selecting a transformation for the dependent variable $y$. In general, transforming variables is a manual process of trial and error.

It is sometimes mistakenly believed that the dependent variable $y$ in a linear model should marginally follow a symmetric or (even stronger) a Gaussian distribution. In general however, the marginal distribution of $y$ is irrelevant in regression analysis. In a linear model, we might like the “errors” $y - E[y|x]$ to be approximately symmetrically-distributed. This can be assessed with a histogram of the residuals, or with a plot of residuals on fitted values. But the marginal distribution of $y$, e.g. as assessed with a histogram of $y$, is largely irrelevant in a linear regression or GLM. Similarly, the marginal distributions of the covariates $x_j$ in a regression analysis are usually not relevant.

GLM’s are often a useful alternative to transforming variables – a GLM separates the transformation (i.e. the link function, which is applied to the population mean, not directly to the data), from the variance function, which is defined through the family of the GLM. In general, these two aspects of the model can be specified independently to best fit a particular population.

Another reason for transforming variables is to make the results more interpretable. Most commonly, log transformations are used for this purpose. Log transforms convert multiplication to addition. Many physical, biological, and social processes are better described by multiplicative relationships than additive relationships. Thus, log transforming the independent and/or dependent variables in a regression analysis may produce a fitted model that is both more interpretable, and that may provide a better fit to the data.

A special case of using log transformations is a “log/log” regression, in which both the dependent and one (or more) of the independent variables are log transformed. In this case, the coefficients can be interpreted in terms of the percent change in the mean of the dependent variable corresponding to a given percent change in an independent variable.

To see this, suppose that we have a non-stochastic relationship $\log(y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(x)$, and let $x_1 = x(1 +q)$, so that $x_1$ is $100\times q$ percent different from $x$. Then

$$ \log(y_1) = \beta_0 +\beta_1 \log(x_1) = \beta_0 +\beta_1\log(x) +\beta_1\log(1+q), $$

and so

$$ \log(y_1) - \log(y) = \beta_1\log(1+q). $$

By linearization, $\log(y_1) - \log(y) \approx (y_1 - y)/y$, and $\log(1+q) \approx q$. Therefore we have $(y_1 - y)/y \approx q\beta_1$. If the relationship is non-stochastic, as in a regression model, then the we would start with

$$ E[\log(y) | x] = \beta_0 +\beta_1\log(x), $$

and using the first order approximation $E[\log(y) |x] \approx \log E[y|x]$, the analogous result

$$ (E[\log(y) |x_1] - E[\log(y)|x])/E[\log(y)|x] \approx q\beta $$

is obtained.

Categorical variables

Categorical variables can be nominal or ordinal, with nominal variables having no ordering or metric information whatsoever, while ordinal variables have an ordering, but there is no precise quantitative meaning to the levels of the variable beyond the ordering. For example, country of birth (US, China, Canada) is a nominal variable, whereas if someone is asked to state their views regarding a policy as “negative”, “neutral”, or “positive”, this can be seen as being ordinal.

In a regression analysis, quantitative, semi-quantitative, and ordinal variables can be modeled directly, e.g. by including an additive term $\beta x$ in a regression, or we can use basis functions or transformed versions of $x$ to modify the scale on which the variable is modeled. A purely nominal variable cannot be included directly in a regression, it must be “coded”. The usual way of doing this is to select one level of the variable as the “reference level”, and then create “dummy” or “indicator” variables for each of the other levels. For example, if a nominal variable $x$ can take on values “A”, “B”, “C”, and we choose level “A” to be the reference level, then we create two indicators, $z_1 = {\cal I}(x=B)$ and $z_2 = {\cal I}(x=C)$. We cannot also include ${\cal I}(x=A)$, in the same regression, since these three indicators sum to 1 and therefore are colinear with the intercept (we could include all three indicators explicitly and then not include the intercept, but then if there were another categorical variable in the model, we would need to omit one of its categories as a reference level).

There are other ways to code nominal variables in a regression, but the “reference category” approach described above is by far the most common, and is the default in most packages. In fact, all standard coding schemes are equivalent via linear change of variables, so we are essentially fitting the same model regardless of which coding scheme is chosen.

It can be a challenge in practice to interpret the coefficients corresponding to dummy variables. They must be interpreted in light of the coding scheme. If the standard reference scheme is used, then the coefficients are interpreted as contrasts between one non-reference category and the reference category. For example, in the example given above, the regression coefficient for $z_1$ captures the difference in mean values for a case with $x=B$ relative to a case with $x=A$, when all other covariates in the model are equal.


An “additive regression” is one in which the expected value of the response variable (possibly after a transformation) is expressed additively in terms of the covariates. A linear mean structure is additive, since

$$ E[y] = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \cdots + \beta_px_p. $$

A more general additive model is:

$$ E[y] = g_1(x_1) + \cdots + g_p(x_p), $$

where the $g_j$ are functions. Models of the form given above can be estimated using a framework called “GAM” (Generalized Additive Models).

In any additive model, the change in the mean $E[y]$ associated with changing one covariate by a fixed amount is not dependent on the values of the other covariates. For example, in the GAM, if we observe $x_1$ to change from $a$ to $b$, then the expected value of $y$ changes by $g_1(b) - g_1(a)$. This change is universal in the sense that its value does not depend on the values of the other covariates ($x_2, \ldots x_p$).

An interaction arises when the difference of means resulting from a change in one covariate is not invariant to the values of the other covariates. There are many ways that an interaction can arise, but in practice we often model an interaction by taking a product of two variables. For example, we may have the mean structure

$$ E[y] = \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_1x_2. $$

In this model, the parameters $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ are the main effects of $x_1$ and $x_2$, respectively. If we observe $x_1$ to change from 0 to 1, then $E[y]$ changes by $\beta_1 + \beta_3x_2$ units. Note that in this case, the change in $E[y]$ corresponding to a specific change in $x_1$ depends on the value of $x_2$, so is not universal in the sense described above.

Including products of covariates in a statistical model is the most common way to model an interaction. But note that the notion of an interaction, as defined above, is much more general than what can be expressed just by including products of covariates in the linear predictor.

Focusing on interactions of the product type, a regression model with interactions can be represented by including products of two, three, or more variables, or by including products of transformed variables. For example $\log(x_1)\cdot \sqrt{x-2}$ is a form of interaction between $x_1$ and $x_2$. If basis functions or categorical variables are present, things can get complicated:

One challenge that arises when working with interactions is that people struggle to interpret the regression parameters (slopes) of the fitted models. This problem can be minimized by centering all the covariates (or at least by centering the covariates that are present in interactions).

If the covariates are centered, and we work with the mean structure $E[y] = \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_1x_2$, then $\beta_1$ is the rate at which $E[y]$ changes as $x_1$ changes, as long as $x_2 \approx 0$. Similarly, $\beta_2$ is the rate at which $E[y]$ changes as $x_2$ changes, as long as $x_1 \approx 0$. Roughly speaking, when $x_1$ and $x_2$ are close to their means (which are both zero due to centering), then $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ can be interpreted like main effects in a model without interactions. As we move away from the mean, we need to consider the interaction, so the change in $E[y]$ corresponding to a unit change in $x_1$ is $\beta_1 + \beta_3x_2$, and the change in $E[y]$ corresponding to a unit change in $x_2$ is $\beta_2 + \beta_3x_1$.

There is a connection between interactions and derivatives. The “regression effect” of $x_j$ can be defined in very general terms as the derivative $d E[y]/dx_j$. In an additive model, $d E[y]/dx_j$ is a constant, i.e. it does not depend on the value of $x_k$ for $k \ne j$. If an interaction between $x_j$ and $x_k$ is present, then $d E[y]/dx_j$ will depend on $x_k$.

Next we discuss two reasons why it is usually a good idea to center covariates that are to be included in interactions:

If the covariates are not centered, it is common that people misinterpret the estimates of main effects. In general, main effects have no meaningful interpretation if interactions are present and the covariates are not centered. For example, suppose that $y$ is blood pressure, $x_1$ is body mass index (BMI), and $x_2$ equals 1 for females and 0 for males. We then fit the working model

$ E[y] = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \beta_2x_2 + \beta_3x_1x_2. $

In this case, if we do not center the covariates, then the main effect $\beta_2$ would mathematically represent the expected difference in blood pressure between a female with BMI equal to zero and a male with BMI equal to zero. Since it is not possible to have BMI equal to zero, this interpretation is meaningless. On the other hand, if we were to center the covariates, then $\beta_2$ would approximately be equal to the rate of change in $E[y]$ per unit change in $x_2$ when $x_1$ is near its mean value.

Another important thing to note is that the interpretation of the interaction coefficient itself is completely unrelated to how the variables are centered. As shown below, regardless of how we center $x_1$ and $x_2$, $\beta_3$ is always the coefficient of $x_1x_2$.

$$ \begin{eqnarray} E[y] &=& \beta_1(x_1-c_1) + \beta_2(x_2-c_2) + \beta_3(x_1-c_1)(x_2-c_2)\ &=& \beta_3c_1c_2 -\beta_1c_1 - \beta_2c_2 + (\beta_1 - c_2\beta_3)x_1 + (\beta_2-c_1\beta_3)x_2 + \beta_3x_1x_2. \end{eqnarray} $$

Another debate that comes up when working with interactions is whether it is necessary to include all nested “lower order terms” when including an interaction term in a model. For example, if $x_1x_2$ is included in a model, should we also include $x_1$ and $x_2$ as main effects? There are different points of view on this. One argument is that $x_1$, $x_2$, and $x_1x_2$ are just three covariates, and can be selected or excluded from a model independently. However, many variable selection procedures enforce a “hereditary constraint” in which main effects cannot be dropped in a model selection process if their interaction is included.