Clustered treatment assignments and sensitivity to unmeasured biases
Propensity score matching: A case study
Linear regression coefficient confidence limits with omitted confounders
Attributing effects to a cluster randomized get-out-the-vote campaign
Covariate balance in simple, stratified and clustered comparative studies
The prognostic analogue of the propensity score
Notes on the occupancy problem with infinitely many boxes
Optimal full matching and related designs via network flows
Minimax expected measure confidence sets for restricted location parameters
Full matching in an observational study of coaching for the SAT
Prediction rules for exchangeable sequences related to species sampling
Working papers and recent talks
Propensity score matching to recover latent experiments: diagnostics and asymptotics
The sensitivity of linear regression coefficients' confidence limits to the omission of a confounder
Bias reduction in observational studies via prognosis scores
Talk: Tests of covariate balance in experiments and observational studies
Talk: Tests of covariate balance in propensity-matched observational studies
Talk: Propensity score matching to recover latent experiments: Diagnostics and asymptotics
Software tools
About Ben Hansen