Ji Zhu
Susan A. Murphy Collegiate Professor
Department of Statistics
University of Michigan
, Ann Arbor
E-mail: jizhu at umich dot edu
Phone: (734) 936-2577
Fax: (734) 763-4676
Office: 455 West Hall
Current Research Interests
Statistical machine learning
Statistical network analysis
Statistical modeling for health and science
PhD in
Stanford University
, 2003. Advisor:
Trevor Hastie
MSc in
Stanford University
, 2000
BSc in
Peking University
, 1996
Honors and Awards
2022 Pao-Lu Hsu Award, International Chinese Statistical Association
2020 Grand Prize Winner, COVID-19 Data Challenge, American Heart Association
2015 Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2014-2020 Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher
2013 Fellow, American Statistical Association
2011-2013 Chair-Elect and Chair, Statistical Learning and Data Science Section, American Statistical Association
2010 Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute
2008-2013 CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
2002 Student Paper Competition Award, Computing Section, American Statistical Association
1998-2001 Kimball Graduate Fellowship, Stanford University
Current Editorial Services
2022- Editor-in-Chief,
Annals of Applied Statistics
2020- Action Editor,
Journal of Machine Learning Research
Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)
Michigan Integrated Center for Health Analytics and Medical Prediction (MiCHAMP)
Past Teaching
Stats 413 Applied Regression Analysis
DataSci 415 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning
Stats 425 Introduction to Probability
Stats 500 Statistical Learning I: Linear Models
Stats 503 Statistical Learning II: Modern Multivariate Analysis
Stats 605 Advanced Topics in Modeling and Data Analysis
Stats 700 Statistical Machine Learning
FinEng 508 Statistical Methods in Finance
Past Editorial Services
2012-2021 Associate Editor, Journal of the Computational and Graphical Statistics
2011-2021 Associate Editor, Journal of the American Statistical Association
2011-2015 Associate Editor, Biometrika
2009-2012 Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics
2009-2011 Associate Editor, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
Postdocs and Students
Last modified: Tue Mar 26 2024