Tailen Hsing
Michael B. Woodroofe Collegiate Professor of Statistics
Department of Statistics
University of Michigan
460 West Hall, 1085 South University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107
Phone: (734) 615-7299
Email: thsing at umich dot edu
Research Interests
Extreme value problems, functional
data, long-range dependence, space-time models
- 1984 Ph.D., Statistics, University of North Carolina
- 1983 M.S., Statistics, University of North Carolina
- 1978 B.S., Mathematics, National Taiwan University
Academic Positions
- 2007-present: Professor of Statisics, University of Michigan
- 2014-present: Michael B. Woodroofe Collegiate Professor of Statistics, University of Michigan
- 2010-2015: Chair of Statistics, University of Michigan
- Prior appointments: Ohio State University, National University of
Singapore, Texas A & M University
Editorial Positions
- 2020-: Associate Editor of Statistical Science
- 2020-: Editorial Board member of SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- 2016-2018: Co-editor of Annals of Statistics
- Prior appointments: Associate Editors of Annals of Statistics, Bernoulli, Statistica Sinica
Selected Recent Publications
Li, Y. and Hsing, T. (2010).
Deciding the dimensionality in functional sliced inverse regression, Annals of Statistics 38, 3028-3062.
Li, Y. and Hsing, T. (2010).
Uniform convergence rates for nonparametric regression and principal
component analysis in functional/longitudinal data, Annals of Statistics
38, 3321-3351.
Hsing, T. and Eubank, R. (2015). Theoretical Foundations of Functional Data Analysis,
with an Introduction to Linear Operators, Wiley. Errata
Hsing, T., Brown, T., and Thelen, B. (2016). Local intrinsic stationarity and its inference, Annals of Statistics 44 , 2058-2088.
Chiou, J.-M., Chen, Y.-T., and Hsing, T. (2019). Identifying multiple changes for a functional data sequence with application to freeway traffic segmentation, Annals of Applied Statistics 13 , 1430-1463.
Shen, J. and Hsing, J. (2020).
Hurst index estimation, Annals of Statistics 48 , 838-862.
Li, J., Li, Y. and Hsing, T. (2021). On functional processes with multiple discontinuities, JRSSB. 84 , 933-972.
Yagers, D., Stoev, S., and Hsing, T. (2022). A functional-data approach to the Argo data, Annals of Applied Statistics 16 , 216-246.
Shen, J., Stoev, S., and Hsing, T. (2022). Tangent fields, intrinsic stationarity, and self similarity, Electronic Journal of Probability, 27 1-56.
Yarger, D., Korte-Stapff, M., Stoev, S., and Hsing, T. (2022). A multivariate functional-data mixture model for
spatio-temporal data: inference and cokriging.
Kartsioukas, R., Stoev, S., and Hsing, T. (2023). Spectral density estimation of function-valued spatial processes.
Yarger, D., Stoev, S., and Hsing, T. (2023). Multivariate Mat\'ern models -- a spectral approach.
Guo, X., Li, Y., and Hsing, T. (2023).
An RKHS approach for variable selection in high-dimensional functional linear models.