Statistics in Engineering, Network Tomography, Spatial Modeling,
Quality and Productivity Improvement,
Reliability and Risk Analysis, Robust Design for Variation Reduction, Process
Ph.D. (Statistics), 1974-1978 - University of California, Berkeley.
B. Econ. (First Class Hons.), 1969-1972 - University of Malaya,
9/02 to present: Donald A. Darling Professor of Statistics, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.
7/98 to 6/10: Chair, Department of Statistics, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor.
9/93 to present: Professor, Department of Statistics and Professor,
Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor.
11/81 to 9/93: Research Scientist, Mathematical Sciences Research
Center, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
9/78 to 10/81: Research Scientist, Operations Research
Center, Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ.
9/72 to 11/73: Research Officer, Rubber Research Institute
of Malaysia.
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Fellow of the American Statistical Association.
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Fellow of the American Society for Quality.
President-elect, International Statistical Institute, 2011-13.
President, International Soceity for Business and Industrial Statistics, 2011-13.
Chair, Statistics Division, American Society for Quality, 2009-10.
Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute.
Senior Fellow, Michigan Society of Fellows, 2009-12.
Distinguished Service Award, National Institute of Statistical Sciences, 2009.
Shayle Searle Visiting Fellow in Statistics, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, September 2009
National Associate, National Research Council of the National Academies.
Youden Memorial Lecture, Fall Technical Conference, 2007.
Brumbaugh Award for best paper in industrial quality control in 2002.
Jack Youden Prize for best expository paper in Technometrics
in 2001.
Adolphe Quetelet Medal, International Statistical Institute, 1999.
Excellence in Research Award, College of Literature, Science, and Arts,
University of Michigan, 1998.
Frank Wilcoxon Prize for best practical applications paper in Technometrics
in 1986.
Central Bank of Malaysia Gold Medal, 1972.
International Statistical Review: Co-editor-in-Chief, 2010-present,
Joint Editor, 1996-1999.
Technometrics: Editor, 1990-92.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference: Coordinating
Editor, 1992-94.
Member, Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, National Academies, 2009-2012.
Chair, Board of Trustees, National Institute of Statistical Sciences,
Member of Governing Board, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), 2004-08.
Co-chair, National Academies' Committee to Evaluate NASA's Survey on
National Aviation Operational Monitoring Service, 2008-09.
Member, Committee on National Statistics, National Academies,
Chair, Mational Academies' Panel on Dynamic Testing
Strategies for Evolutionary Acquisition in Defense, 2004-06.
Chair of Committee on Publications, American Statistical
Association, 2001-2002.
Chair of Journal Management Committee, American Statistical Association, 1996-2000.
Chair of Industrial Statistics Committee, International Statistical
Institute, 1995-1999.
Chair of Management Committee, Spring Research Conference
on Statistics in Industry and Technology, 1993-1996.