Stat 700
Probabilistic graphical models

Instructor: Long Nguyen
Class Hours: Thursday, 1--3pm, Location: 1250 USB
Office Hour: Weds 1:30--2:30pm, 445B West Hall (or by appointment)
Fall 2009

[ Description in pdf] [ Reading Assignments] [ Homeworks] [ Projects] [ Topics ] [ Text books ] [ Prerequisites ] [ Structure/Eval] [ Data sets ]




The prerequisites are previous coursework in linear algebra, multivariatecalculus, and basic probability and statistics. Previous coursework in graph theory, information theory, optimization theory and statistical physics would be helpful but is not required. Familiarity with R, Matlab, Splus or a related matrix-oriented programming language will be necessary.

Text books

Required text: Additional reading assignments will be posted in the course website. Supplementary texts:

Tentative Schedule and Reading Assignments

This will be continuously updated to reflect the true progress.


(Link to relevant Data sets )


Suggestions for possible class projects.


The course will meet once a week and will follow a regular lecture format. There will be bi-weekly homework assignments, due (approximately) one week after being passed out. There will be a final course project in forms of either a survey paper, an application research or a methodological research project. The homeworks count for 60% of the grade, and the project counts for 40% of the grade.
XuanLong Nguyen