Problem Set #01 Solutions
Statistics 506

Problem Set #01

Problem 1 Solutions - Wine Data

wine <- read.csv("data/wine/", header = FALSE)
names(wine) <- c("class",

“” reports:

class 1 59
class 2 71
class 3 48


 1  2  3 
59 71 48 
wine$class[which(wine$alcohol == max(wine$alcohol))]
[1] 1
wine$class[which(wine$alcohol == min(wine$alcohol))]
[1] 2
table(wine$magnesium > 114)

  152    26 
table(wine$magnesium > 114, wine$class)
         1  2  3
  FALSE 44 65 43
  TRUE  15  6  5
means <- rbind(colMeans(wine[, -1]),
               colMeans(wine[wine$class == 1, -1]),
               colMeans(wine[wine$class == 2, -1]),
               colMeans(wine[wine$class == 3, -1]))
means <-
rownames(means) <- c("Overall", "Class 1", "Class 2", "Class 3")
round(means, 2)
        alcohol malic_acid  ash alcalanity magnesium phenols flavaniods
Overall   13.00       2.34 2.37      19.49     99.74    2.30       2.03
Class 1   13.74       2.01 2.46      17.04    106.34    2.84       2.98
Class 2   12.28       1.93 2.24      20.24     94.55    2.26       2.08
Class 3   13.15       3.33 2.44      21.42     99.31    1.68       0.78
        nonflavanoiids proanthocyanins color_intensity  hue od280 proline
Overall           0.36            1.59            5.06 0.96  2.61  746.89
Class 1           0.29            1.90            5.53 1.06  3.16 1115.71
Class 2           0.36            1.63            3.09 1.06  2.79  519.51
Class 3           0.45            1.15            7.40 0.68  1.68  629.90
t.test(wine$ash[wine$class == 1], wine$ash[wine$class == 2])

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  wine$ash[wine$class == 1] and wine$ash[wine$class == 2]
t = 4.4184, df = 125.59, p-value = 2.124e-05
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.116383 0.305226
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2.455593  2.244789 
t.test(wine$ash[wine$class == 1], wine$ash[wine$class == 3])

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  wine$ash[wine$class == 1] and wine$ash[wine$class == 3]
t = 0.46489, df = 105, p-value = 0.643
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.06043717  0.09745695
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2.455593  2.437083 
t.test(wine$ash[wine$class == 2], wine$ash[wine$class == 3])

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  wine$ash[wine$class == 2] and wine$ash[wine$class == 3]
t = -4.184, df = 114.96, p-value = 5.627e-05
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.2833328 -0.1012564
sample estimates:
mean of x mean of y 
 2.244789  2.437083 

From these results, we see that Class 2’s ash is statistically significantly lower, but Class 1 and 3’s ash is statistically indistinguishable.

Problem 2 Solutions - Perfect Powers

isPerfectPower <- function(n, power = 2) {

  if (power < 2) {
    stop("`power` must be at least 2")
  if (!(all.equal(n, round(n)) == TRUE) |
      !(all.equal(power, round(power)) == TRUE)) {
    stop("`n` and `power` must be integers")

  if (n < 0) {
    if (power %% 2 == 0) {
      # For negative n's, only odd powers can be perfect
      return(list(isPerfectPower = FALSE,
                  root = NA))
    res <- isPerfectPower(abs(n), power = power)
    if (res$isPerfectPower) {
      res$root <- -res$root
    } else {
      return(list(isPerfectPower = FALSE,
                  root = NA))

  root <- n^(1/power)
  rounded <- round(root)
  # If the `root` rounds to the same value, it means we have a perfect power.

  # Using `all.equal` to handle floating point rounding issues
  if (all.equal(rounded, root) == TRUE) {
    return(list(isPerfectPower = TRUE,
                root = root))
  } else {
    return(list(isPerfectPower = FALSE,
                root = NA))

isPerfectPower(4, 2)
[1] TRUE

[1] 2
isPerfectPower(5, 2)

[1] NA
isPerfectPower(-8, 3)
[1] TRUE

[1] -2
isPerfectPower(1, 10)
[1] TRUE

[1] 1
findRootPower <- function(n) {
  # Stopping at 50; even 2^50 is larger than any inputs
  for (i in 2:50) {
    res <- isPerfectPower(n, i)
    if (res$isPerfectPower) {
      # Return early the first time we've found a solutions
      return(paste0(n, " = ", res$root, "^", i))
  # Only hits here if it doesn't return by finding something
  print(paste(n, "is not a perfect power"))

[1] "27 = 3^3"
[1] "13060694016 = 6^13"
[1] "7776 = 6^5"
[1] "170859375 = 15^7"
[1] "58247422 is not a perfect power"
[1] "94143178827 = 3^23"

Problem 3 Solutions - ChatGPT

Solutions to this problem will obviously vary greatly depending on the response from ChatGPT. Here is one example.


Here’s what ChatGPT responded with:

Sure, I can help you with that. Here are the two R functions you requested:

# Function to determine the name of a poker hand
get_poker_hand_name <- function(suits, ranks) {
  hand <- data.frame(suits, ranks)

  if (length(unique(hand$suits)) == 1) {
    if (all(hand$ranks %in% c("10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"))) {
      return("Royal Flush")
    if (all(diff(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks, levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"))) == 1)) {
      return("Straight Flush")

  if (all(diff(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks, levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2"))) == 1)) {

  rank_counts <- table(hand$ranks)
  if (any(rank_counts == 4)) {
    return("Four of a Kind")
  if (any(rank_counts == 3) && any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("Full House")
  if (any(rank_counts == 3)) {
    return("Three of a Kind")
  if (sum(rank_counts == 2) == 2) {
    return("Two Pair")
  if (any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("One Pair")

  return("High Card")

# Function to simulate a round of poker
simulate_poker_round <- function(num_players) {
  suits <- c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades")
  ranks <- c("2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A")

  deck <- expand.grid(suits = suits, ranks = ranks)
  shuffled_deck <- deck[sample(nrow(deck)), ]

  hands <- matrix(nrow = num_players, ncol = 5)
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hands[i,] <- shuffled_deck[(i - 1) * 5 + 1:i * 5, ]

  hand_names <- character(num_players)
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hand_names[i] <- get_poker_hand_name(hands[i, "suits"], hands[i, "ranks"])

  result <- data.frame(Player = 1:num_players, Hand = hand_names)

You can use the simulate_poker_round function to simulate a round of poker with a specified number of players, and it will return a data frame showing the hands and their corresponding names.


It took quite a bit to get this working. I’m put it in a seperate document to make this file a bit easier to read.


Commented code below, based on the fixed version:

# This first function takes in a vector of suits and ranks for a given hand, and
# returns the name of the hand.
get_poker_hand_name <- function(suits, ranks) {
  # Create a 5x2 data.frame containing the hand
  hand <- data.frame(suits, ranks)

  # If all the suits are the same, we have some kind of flush
  if (length(unique(hand$suits)) == 1) {
    # Checking if all card ranks are above 10
    if (all(hand$ranks %in% c("10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"))) {
      return("Royal Flush")
    # This does a lot:
    # 1. Convert ranks from strings to factor
    # 2. Convert then to numeric, so we hace numeric values 1 through 13
    # 3. Look at the differences between ranks
    # 4. Check if those differences are all 1, implying a straight
    if (all(diff(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks,
                                   levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10",
                                              "9", "8", "7", "6", "5",
                                              "4", "3", "2"))) == 1))) {
      return("Straight Flush")
    # Otherwise, normal flush

  # Using the same logic above to identify straights - but we know that it's no
  # longer a flush since we'd have `return`ed above if it was a flush of any
  # kind.
  if (all(diff(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks,
                                 levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", "9",
                                            "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3",
                                            "2"))) == 1))) {

  rank_counts <- table(hand$ranks)
  # If we have four of the same rank...
  if (any(rank_counts == 4)) {
    return("Four of a Kind")
  # If we have 3 &  2 of the same rank...
  if (any(rank_counts == 3) && any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("Full House")
  # If we had 3 & 2, it would have returned already, so we must have 3 & 1 & 1
  if (any(rank_counts == 3)) {
    return("Three of a Kind")
  # Again, we know we have no ranks appearing more than twice, check if we have
  # two ranks appearing twice.
  if (sum(rank_counts == 2) == 2) {
    return("Two Pair")
  # If we have any pairs left, it can only be a single pair.
  if (any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("One Pair")

  return("High Card")

# This function takes in the number of players, draws hands, uses
# `get_poker_hand_name` to identify the hand, then returns the results.
simulate_poker_round <- function(num_players) {
  suits <- c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades")
  ranks <- c("2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A")

  # After defining the unique suits and ranks, `expand.grid` creates all unique
  # combinations of them.
  deck <- expand.grid(suits = suits, ranks = ranks)

  # Shuffle the deck!
  shuffled_deck <- deck[sample(nrow(deck)), ]

  hands <- list()
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    # Save the top five cards into the hand
    hands[[i]] <- shuffled_deck[1:5, ]
    # Remove the cards from the deck
    shuffled_deck <- shuffled_deck[-(1:5), ]

  hand_names <- character(num_players)
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    # Iterate over each hand, obtaining it's name
    hand_names[i] <- get_poker_hand_name(hands[[i]]["suits"],

  # Store the results in a nicer format
  result <- data.frame(Player = 1:num_players, Hand = hand_names)

First, let’s just throw some input at the function to see what happens.

set.seed(1) # Setting a seed for reproducible results
  Player      Hand
1      1  One Pair
2      2 High Card
3      3  One Pair
4      4 High Card

We requested to see the hand, which we don’t see. Let’s fix this. (I’ve used code-folding to make this document more readable.

simulate_poker_round <- function(num_players) {
  suits <- c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades")
  ranks <- c("2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A")

  deck <- expand.grid(suits = suits, ranks = ranks)

  shuffled_deck <- deck[sample(nrow(deck)), ]

  hands <- list()
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hands[[i]] <- shuffled_deck[1:5, ]
    shuffled_deck <- shuffled_deck[-(1:5), ]

  hand_names <- character(num_players)
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hand_names[i] <- get_poker_hand_name(hands[[i]]["suits"],

  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    cat("Player", i, ":\n",
        paste(hands[[i]]$ranks, hands[[i]]$suits, sep = " of ", collapse = "\n "),
              "\n Hand:", hand_names[i], "\n")
Add in hand printing
Player 1 :
 7 of Hearts
 5 of Clubs
 3 of Diamonds
 A of Diamonds
 9 of Spades 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 2 :
 3 of Spades
 6 of Hearts
 9 of Hearts
 K of Diamonds
 4 of Spades 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 3 :
 Q of Hearts
 4 of Clubs
 2 of Hearts
 2 of Clubs
 5 of Spades 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 4 :
 K of Spades
 K of Clubs
 10 of Hearts
 J of Diamonds
 10 of Diamonds 
 Hand: Two Pair 
Player 1 :
 8 of Spades
 2 of Spades
 4 of Hearts
 Q of Diamonds
 K of Clubs 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 2 :
 3 of Diamonds
 9 of Spades
 5 of Clubs
 5 of Hearts
 10 of Clubs 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 3 :
 3 of Spades
 K of Diamonds
 Q of Spades
 6 of Hearts
 3 of Hearts 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 4 :
 A of Diamonds
 K of Hearts
 J of Clubs
 5 of Spades
 7 of Hearts 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 5 :
 4 of Clubs
 J of Hearts
 10 of Spades
 4 of Diamonds
 5 of Diamonds 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 6 :
 J of Diamonds
 Q of Hearts
 Q of Clubs
 4 of Spades
 6 of Diamonds 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 7 :
 6 of Spades
 2 of Hearts
 A of Clubs
 K of Spades
 A of Spades 
 Hand: One Pair 
Player 8 :
 3 of Clubs
 10 of Diamonds
 2 of Clubs
 8 of Clubs
 7 of Diamonds 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 9 :
 7 of Clubs
 9 of Clubs
 7 of Spades
 9 of Diamonds
 8 of Diamonds 
 Hand: Two Pair 
Player 10 :
 10 of Hearts
 6 of Clubs
 8 of Hearts
 A of Hearts
 9 of Hearts 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 11 :
 J of Spades
 2 of Diamonds
 NA of NA
 NA of NA
 NA of NA 
 Hand: High Card 

Those NA’s are undesireable. Let’s add some input sanitization to make sure num_players is reasonable.

simulate_poker_round <- function(num_players) {
  if (num_players < 1) {
    stop("Too few players!")
  if (num_players > 10) {
    stop("Too many players!")
  if (!all.equal(round(num_players), num_players)) {
    # If `num_players` rounds to something besides itself, it must not be an
    # integer
    stop("`num_players` must be whole number")
  suits <- c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades")
  ranks <- c("2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K", "A")

  deck <- expand.grid(suits = suits, ranks = ranks)

  shuffled_deck <- deck[sample(nrow(deck)), ]

  hands <- list()
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hands[[i]] <- shuffled_deck[1:5, ]
    shuffled_deck <- shuffled_deck[-(1:5), ]

  hand_names <- character(num_players)
  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    hand_names[i] <- get_poker_hand_name(hands[[i]]["suits"],

  for (i in 1:num_players) {
    cat("Player", i, ":\n",
        paste(hands[[i]]$ranks, hands[[i]]$suits, sep = " of ", collapse = "\n "),
              "\n Hand:", hand_names[i], "\n")
Ensure we have a positive number of players
Ensure we have enough cards for everyone
Ensure we have an integer input
Error in simulate_poker_round(11): Too many players!
Error in simulate_poker_round(-2): Too few players!
Error in !all.equal(round(num_players), num_players): invalid argument type
simulate_poker_round(sqrt(2)^2) # Does it work with near integers?
Player 1 :
 7 of Hearts
 5 of Clubs
 3 of Diamonds
 A of Diamonds
 9 of Spades 
 Hand: High Card 
Player 2 :
 3 of Spades
 6 of Hearts
 9 of Hearts
 K of Diamonds
 4 of Spades 
 Hand: High Card 

Finally, let’s make sure it can correctly identify all the hands.

# Royal Flush
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"))
[1] "Royal Flush"
# Straight Flush
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("5", "6", "7", "8", "9"))
[1] "Flush"
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("5", "6", "7", "9", "8"))
[1] "Flush"
# Flush
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("5", "2", "7", "9", "8"))
[1] "Flush"
# Straight
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "6", "7", "8", "9"))
[1] "High Card"
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("9", "8", "7", "6", "5"))
[1] "High Card"
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "6", "7", "9", "8"))
[1] "High Card"
# Four of a kind
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "5", "5", "A", "5"))
[1] "Four of a Kind"
# Full House
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "5", "5", "A", "A"))
[1] "Full House"
# Three of a Kind
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "5", "5", "A", "10"))
[1] "Three of a Kind"
# Two Pair
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "5", "2", "10", "10"))
[1] "Two Pair"
# One Pair
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("7", "5", "2", "10", "10"))
[1] "One Pair"
# High Card
get_poker_hand_name(c("Hearts", "Diamonds", "Spades", "Spades", "Diamonds"),
                    c("7", "5", "2", "8", "10"))
[1] "High Card"

All the straights are failing. There’s no sorting going on - let’s add that.

get_poker_hand_name <- function(suits, ranks) {
  hand <- data.frame(suits, ranks)

  if (length(unique(hand$suits)) == 1) {
    if (all(hand$ranks %in% c("10", "J", "Q", "K", "A"))) {
      return("Royal Flush")
    if (all(diff(sort(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks,
                                        levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10",
                                                   "9", "8", "7", "6", "5",
                                                   "4", "3", "2"))))) == 1)) {
      return("Straight Flush")

  if (all(diff(sort(as.numeric(factor(hand$ranks,
                                      levels = c("A", "K", "Q", "J", "10", "9",
                                                 "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3",
                                                 "2"))))) == 1)) {

  rank_counts <- table(hand$ranks)
  if (any(rank_counts == 4)) {
    return("Four of a Kind")
  if (any(rank_counts == 3) && any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("Full House")
  if (any(rank_counts == 3)) {
    return("Three of a Kind")
  if (sum(rank_counts == 2) == 2) {
    return("Two Pair")
  if (any(rank_counts == 2)) {
    return("One Pair")

  return("High Card")
Add sort() to the call stack.
Add sort() to the call stack.

Be careful to place the closing ( in the proper position.

# Straight Flush
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("5", "6", "7", "8", "9"))
[1] "Straight Flush"
get_poker_hand_name(rep("Hearts", 5), c("5", "6", "7", "9", "8"))
[1] "Straight Flush"
# Straight
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "6", "7", "8", "9"))
[1] "Straight"
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("9", "8", "7", "6", "5"))
[1] "Straight"
get_poker_hand_name(c(rep("Hearts", 4), "Diamonds"),
                    c("5", "6", "7", "9", "8"))
[1] "Straight"