
Measures of association #

Many data analyses involve multiple variables, and are therefore said to be multivariate. To perform a multivariate analysis, we need a dataset in which several variables are measured for each “unit of analysis” (e.g. for each person in a study). For example, if we measure the income and number of years of education for each of 200 people, we can perform a multivariate (or specifically a bivariate) analysis with these data. It is important to note that the variables in a multivariate analysis must be measured on the same individuals. If we had, say 100 people and obtained their income, and a different set of 100 people and obtained their education level, this would not permit us to perform a multivariate analysis. In contrast to a multivariate analysis, a univariate analysis is one in which all analysis involves a only single variable.

Multivariate analyses open up many analytic possibilities that are not present when working with a single variable. Here we will focus on one such possibilty, which is the identification of associations in bivariate data.

The term association, loosely speaking, describes a “relationship” beween two variables. More formally, at the population level, we say that two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) are associated if they are not statistically independent, in the sense defined in our discussion of probability. The question we address here is whether we can estimate the manner in which the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) are associated, using data from a sample of values \((x_1, y_1), (x_2, x_2), \ldots, (x_n, y_n)\) comprising an independent and identically distributed (iid) sample from the distribution of \(X, Y\) .

There are many ways to assess associations. Here we will discuss two of the most well-known measures of association, which are applicable in two complementary situations.

Product-moment correlation #

The product-moment correlation, also known as the correlation coefficient, or the Pearson correlation, is generally used with quantitative data, although it can used with ordinal or even binary data. The correlation coefficient is a standardized version of the covariance, so we will begin with a discussion about covariances.

The covariance between two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) is defined to be the expectation of a function involving \(X\) and \(Y\) ; it is \(E[(X-EX)(Y-EY)]\) . Here, \(X-EX\) and \(Y-EY\) are centered versions of \(X\) and \(Y\) . If \(X-EX\) is positive, then \(X\) is greater than its mean, and if \(X-EX\) is negative, then \(X\) is less than its mean; analogous statements can be made for \(Y\) . Now note that the product \((X-EX)(Y-EY)\) is positive if and only if \(X\) and \(Y\) are both on the same sides of their respective means, i.e. \(X > EX\) and \(Y > EY\) , or \(X < EX\) and \(Y < EY\) . If \((X-EX)(Y-EY)\) is positive on average, this means that in a random draw of \((X, Y)\) , the values of \(X\) and \(Y\) tend to fall on the same sides of their respective means. If \((X-EX)(Y-EY)\) is negative on average, this means that \(X\) and \(Y\) tend to fall on opposite sides of their respective means. If \((X-EX)(Y-EY)\) is zero on average, then there is no tendency for \(X\) and \(Y\) to fall either on the same or opposite sides of their respective means.

The covariance is ultimately determined not only by the signs of \(X-EX\) and \(Y-EY\) , but also by their magnitudes. If a specific draw of \(X-EX\) or \(Y-EY\) is only slightly different from zero, then \((X-EX)(Y-EX)\) will be small and not have a strong impact on the covariance. When \(X-EX\) and \(Y-EX\) both have large magnitudes, then their product will have a very large magnitude. Thus, the covariance is especially influenced by the pairs \(X, Y\) that fall furthest from their means.

As a concrete example, let’s consider the relationship between education and income, where education is measured in years of schooling, and income is personal income per year. Let’s also suppose that the mean income is 40,000 USD, and the mean years of schooling is 13.5. We observe pairs \((X, Y)\) consisting of the number of years of schooling ( \(X\) ) and the income ( \(Y\) ). A scatterplot of such data is shown below. The years of schooling variable might in reality be integer-valued, but can be “jittered” with noise to make the plot easier to interpret.


If a person has more than 13.5 years of schooling and has an income that is greater than 40K USD, or if a person has less than 13.5 years of schooling and has an income that is less than 40K USD, that person contributes positively to the covariance (these are the orange points above). A person contributes negatively to the covariance (purple points above) if they either have more than 13.5 years of schooling and earn less than 40K USD, or if they have less than 13.5 years of schooling and earn more than 40K USD per year. The stronger the relationship between education and income, the larger the covariance will be. For this particular pair of variables the covariance will be positive in almost any human society.

The units of the covariance is the product of the units of \(X\) and \(Y\) . Thus, the covariance between education and income has units of “years x USD”. This isn’t easy to interpret, thus it is more common to work with the correlation coefficient, which is a standardized version of the covariance that is dimension-free (it has no units). There are two ways to think about this standardization. One is that we convert the random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) to Z-scores. A Z-score is obtained by taking a random variable \(X\) , and transforming it to \((X - EX)/\sigma_X\) , where \(EX\) is the expected value of \(X\) and \(\sigma_X\) is the standard deviation of \(X\) . Note that \(X-EX\) is the centered version of \(X\) , so the Z-score is obtained by dividing the centered version of X by its standard deviation. Similarly, \(Y\) is transformed to its Z-score which is \((Y-EY)/\sigma_Y\) . These “standardized” or “Z-scored” versions of \(X\) and \(Y\) have mean zero and standard deviation equal to 1. The covariance between two variables that have been standardized to Z-scores is the product-moment, or Pearson correlation coefficient. The scatterplot below shows the Z-scores for education and income as discussed above.


Another way to obtain the correlation coefficient is to calculate \({\rm Cov}(X, Y)/(\sigma_X\cdot \sigma_Y)\) , where \(\sigma_X\) and \(\sigma_Y\) are the standard deviations of \(X\) and \(Y\) , respectively. Thus, rather than standardizing \(X\) and \(Y\) to Z-scores, we calculate the covariance of \(X\) and \(Y\) in unstandardized form, then standardize the covariance by dividing by the product of the standard deviations of \(X\) and \(Y\) . It turns out that these two ways of obtaining the correlation coefficient always yield identical results.

One additional point that is important to note about the covariance is that it only partially captures the state of independence between variables \(X\) and \(Y\) . If \(X\) and \(Y\) have a non-zero covariance, then they are not independent. But if the covariance between \(X\) and \(Y\) is zero, then it is possible that \(X\) and \(Y\) are either independent or dependent.

Now that we have discussed the population versions of the covariance and correlation coefficients, we will discuss how to estimate these quantities from data. Suppose we have data pairs \((x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), \ldots, (x_n, y_n)\) . The sample covariance between these data pairs is based on the products \((x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y})\) . These are directly analogous to the products of centered random variables that appear in the definition of the population covariance. When working with data, instead of taking the expectation over a distribution, we take the average over the data:

\([(x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y}) + \cdots + (x_n-\bar{x})(y_n-\bar{y})]/(n-1).\)

The sample covariance is an estimate of the population covariance. As with the sample variance, the denominator of the sample covariance is n-1, but the difference between using n and n-1 in the denominator is usually non-consequential.

The sample Z-scores for the \(x_i\) can be defined as \((x_i - \bar{x})/\hat{\sigma}_X\) , where \(\hat{\sigma}_X\) is the sample standard deviation of \(x_1, \ldots, x_n\) . Note that all values used to compute this Z-score are statistics that can be calculated from data (we don’t need to know anything about the population to calculate the Z-scores). If we calculate the sample covariance using the Z-scores for the \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) , we obtain the sample correlation coefficient.

The sample correlation coefficient, like the population correlation coefficient, is a real number that falls between -1 and 1 (inclusive). It is undefined if the standard deviation of the \(x_i\) , and/or the \(y_i\) is zero (since then we would be dividing by zero). The population and sample correlation coefficients are dimensionless, which means that they are invariant to linearly rescaling the data. In the example above, whether we measure income in dollars, thousands of dollars, or even in Euros, and whether we measure education level in years, months, or decades of schooling, we will get exactly the same correlation coefficient.

Association among nominal variables #

The joint distribution of two variables which we will denote here X and Y, both of which are nominal, can be represented in tabular form. A sample of data from such a distribution can be represented through a contingency table, which counts the number of observations with each possible combination of X and Y. For example, if we have data on people under the age of 65 in three states (X), recording whether each person has or does not have health insurance (Y), we might see a contingency table like this:

Insured Uninsured Total
VA 3025 433 3458
MI 4053 332 4385
CA 6341 801 7142
Total 13419 1566 14985

Recall that an association is present between two variables X and Y if when we observe (X, Y) jointly, knowing X tells us something about Y, and knowing Y tells us something about X. An association in the above table means that if we select a person at random from all 14,985 subjects, if we know what state they are in, we can predict (better than guessing) whether they have insurance. Equivalently, if we know whether a person has insurance, we can predict (better than guessing) what state they live in. Put another way, under independence, the probability of a randomly-selected person being insured is the same whether they live in Virginia or in California, and the probability of a randomly-selected person living in Michigan is the same whether they are insured or uninsured. Yet another way to express this is that under independence, the conditional probability of being insured (or the “conditional insurance rate”) is the same in all three states. Lack of independence requires the conditional insurance rate to differ among at least two states.

It is important to note that whether two variables are independent or dependent does not relate in any way to their marginal distributions. For example, based on the above table, we see that far more people in our dataset are insured than are not, and more people in our dataset live in California than in Michigan. Neither of these facts has any bearing on whether having insurance is associated with which state a person lives in.

Next, let’s take the above table of counts, and convert it to a table of estimated probabilities. To do this, we simply divide all the numbers in the table by the total (14985).

Insured Uninsured Marginal
VA 0.2019 0.0289 0.2308
MI 0.2705 0.0222 0.2926
CA 0.4232 0.0535 0.4766
Marginal 0.8955 0.1045 1

Recall that in a joint distribution for variables with probability mass functions, the variables are independent if and only if the joint probabilities are equal to the products of the marginal probabilities. We can create a table of independent joint probabilities by multiplying the above marginal probabilities. This table has perfect independence between the rows (states) and columns (insurance status):

Insured Uninsured Marginal
VA 0.2067 0.0241 0.2308
MI 0.2620 0.0306 0.2926
CA 0.4268 0.0498 0.4766
Marginal 0.8955 0.1045 1

The next step in our analysis is to multiply all proportions in the above table by the total sample size (14,985). These are the counts that we would expect to see under perfect independence. Since our data are a random sample, it is very unlikely that we will see exactly the expected value. However the closer our data fall relative to these expected values, the stronger the indication that our data come from a distribution in which the two variables (X and Y) are independent.

Insured Uninsured
VA 3097.6 361.4
MI 3926.7 458.3
CA 6395.6 746.4

To better gauge how close our data fall to their expected values under independence, we can take a residual by subtracting the above fitted values from the data:

Insured Uninsured
VA -71.6 71.6
MI 126.3 -126.3
CA -54.6 54.6

In this table of residuals, a positive value indicates that our observed count is greater than what is expected under independence, and a negative value indicates that our observed count is less than what is expected under independence. Thus, we see somewhat more people in Michigan who were insured and somewhat fewer people who are uninsured, compared to what we would expect to see under independence.

A limitation with interpreting the preceeding table is that we don’t know the scale of the residuals. This makes it difficult to judge whether the residuals are much bigger than we would generally see under independence, or if they just represent the random fluctuations that would be seen even under independence. This issue can be addressed by scaling the residuals using an estimate of their standard deviation. We won’t give a full justification for this here, but the standard deviations of the residuals are approximately equal to the square roots of their expected values. For example, we estimate the expected number of insured people in Michigan to be 3097.6, so we estimate the standard deviation for the residual of the Michigan/insured cell to be sqrt(3097.6) ~ 55.7. This gives rise to the table of Pearson residuals below:

Insured Uninsured
VA -1.3 3.8
MI 2.0 -5.9
CA -0.7 2.0

As a rule of thumb, Pearson residuals that are smaller than 2 in magnitude are completely compatible with X and Y being independent. Values between 2 are 3 are suggestive of non-independence, and values above 3 are strongly suggestive of non-independence. In addition, by inspecting the table above to see where the large positive and negative values fall, we can learn something about the form of the independence. Most notably, Michigan has more insured and substantially fewer uninsured people than would be expected under independence, with the other two states showing the opposite trend. This provides evidence that Michigan has a different (higher) medical insurance rate than do Virginia or California.