Types of Studies

Types of studies #

The central goal of data science is to answer meaningful questions using data. Here we will discuss various formal approaches to conducting research using data science techniques. A study is a focused and rigorous research effort aiming to address a specific question. A good study should be carefully designed before being carried out. There are many types of studies, and the design of any particular study is determined by the question of interest, the type of data that will be collected, and the ethical and logistical challenges that constrain data collection. We will discuss all of these issues here.

Research efforts can be broadly categorized into those that are observational, meaning that data are collected from systems behaving unperturbed in their natural way, and interventional, meaning that we manipulate the system, or create an artificial system that we can control, in order to obtain our data. Both observational and interventional approaches to research are common in all domains of science and engineering, including in academic, government, and industrial research settings.

Observational studies #

Observational studies, as the name suggests, involve mostly passive observation of unperturbed systems. A commonly encountered type of observational study is one that aims to establish risk factors or protective factors for health outcomes in humans. In the most prototypical of these studies, we have an exposure which is something that people do, or that happens to people. The exposure is then considered in relation to another variable called the outcome, which may be caused by the exposure, or associated with it. Examples below will make this more concrete.

Suppose we are interested in the relationship between the consumption of processed food and the presence of tooth decay. To understand this relationship, we might collect data on people’s processed food consumption (the exposure), and the presence or extent of tooth decay in the same subjects (the outcome). If the people who consume more processed food have more tooth decay, then we have found an association between these two variables.

The critical issue with an observational study is that the subjects with a higher level of the exposure may also have other characteristics that influence their outcome. For example, it may be that the people who consume processed food also tend to smoke, and it is actually the smoking that leads to the tooth decay. Or, it could be that people who consume a lot of processed food are less meticulous when brushing their teeth. There are an almost unlimited number of such factors that could be imagined.

Confounders #

A factor such as smoking or oral hygiene is known as a confounder, since it is potentially related to both the exposure and the outcome. As a result, we don’t know if the exposure causes the outcome directly, or if the exposure causes the confounder, which in turn causes the outcome. Other possibilities exist as well: the confounder could cause the exposure, which then causes the outcome, or another (unmeasured or unknown) factor could cause both the exposure and the outcome.

Most scientific research aims to identify mechanisms and causes. That is, we want to know not just what happens, but why it happens. Therefore, when using data analysis in the setting of scientific research, it is important to be clear about when any findings might support a causal or mechanistic relationship, or alternatively if they only identify an association. An association is generally a weaker type of scientific finding compared to a causal relationship.

An everyday example of a confounder would arise if we measure the air temperature, the intensity of sunlight, and the number of cars driving on the street. We would likely see an association between the number of cars driving on the street and the air temperature, since the traffic on most roads is higher during the day, and the air temperature is also higher during the day. But common sense tells us that traffic is not the main factor causing days to be warmer than nights (heat emitted from the vehicles would make a very small contribution compared to the warmth from the sun). The association between traffic and air temperature is a real association (it would continue to be found as we collect more data in different locations), but it is not causal. Such an association is sometimes called a spurious association. The relationship between sunlight intensity and temperature, however, is causal.

Observational research is widely used in science, but it can be the source of much controversy. Most observational research cannot, on its own, provide evidence that a relationship is causal. In the mid 20th century, some famous statisticians argued that smoking was not a cause of lung cancer, but rather people who smoke are doing other things that increase their risk of lung cancer. There is now an overwhelming consensus that smoking is a causal factor behind many types of cancer. Part (but not all) of the evidence for this comes from observational studies. Careful interpretation of multiple observational studies bearing on an important question can help support a causal relationship, although other lines of argument are generally needed to fully demonstrate that a relationship is causal.

One way to use observational analyses to support a causal claim is to carefully consider all the plausible confounders, and either directly account for their effects, or, argue that the observed relationship is too strong to be entirely attributable to the confounders. In this way, we can increase the quality of evidence that comes from an observational study. In doing this, we need to distinguish between three types of confounders: (i) known, measured confounders, (ii) known, unmeasured confounders, and (iii) unknown confounders. Note that unknown confounders must always be unmeasured.

For example, in the study of tooth decay discussed above, smoking is known to be associated with unhealthy diet (e.g. processed food consumption) and with tooth decay. Therefore, smoking is a confounder of the relationship between processed food consumption and tooth decay. But we can measure whether a person smokes. Therefore, this is a known, measured confounder. There are statistical techniques (to be discussed later in the course) that can at least partly account for a known, measured confounder such as smoking. On the other hand, it might be quite difficult to get an accurate sense of a person’s oral hygiene habits. Thus, this will be a known but unmeasured confounder.

Fortunately, improvements in technology often can turn a known, unmeasured confounder into a known, measured confounder. For example, it may be possible to develop an electric toothbrush that records its use, making it much easier to obtain accurate information about people’s oral hygiene habits. Such a device is known as a sensor. Use of advanced sensors is revolutionizing many areas of research, and is a major driver behind the demand for data science experts and new data science techniques.

The limitation of this strategy of identifying and accounting for confounders is that there can always be unknown confounders that we have not yet identified. For example, almost every health outcome can be influenced by genetics, and we are still decades away from having a comprehensive understanding of the genetic determinants of many human traits. Therefore, genetic factors will remain an unknown confounding factor for many observational relationships for the foreseeable future.

Interventional studies #

In an interventional study, the factor of interest is controlled by the researcher, rather than happening naturally to the subjects. An interventional study is most often called an experiment. Experiments are the canonical way approach to scientific investigations, although in many areas of science it is difficult to conduct experiments for ethical or logistical reasons.

For example, we could consider turning our observational study looking at the relationship between processed food consumption and tooth decay into an experiment. To do so, we would need the ability to force some people to consume processed food, and prevent other people from doing so. In a type of experiment called a randomized controlled trial (RCT), we would randomly choose some people to never consume processed food, these people would comprise the control arm of the experiment. The remaining people would be required to consume processed food, and these people would comprise the treatment arm of the experiment. Because the assignment to the treatment and control arms in a RCT is random, it is impossible for there to be any confounders – any association between processed food consumption and tooth decay seen in a properly conducted RCT is causal, not spurious. However, there are significant ethical and practical constraints in such a study that may make it quite difficult to conduct.

It is unethical to induce someone to do something that is known to be harmful to them. It may be possible to induce people to stop eating processed food, e.g. by giving them a financial reward for doing so. Thus, we could conduct a study in which people are randomly assigned to a treatment arm in which they are induced to eat no processed food, and a control arm in which they eat whatever they choose. This may be sufficient to demonstrate a relationship between processed food consumption and tooth decay. However, since the control group may choose to eat relatively small amounts of processed food, and the treatment group may also choose to each processed food (i.e. the inducement may fail), then the difference between the two groups may be attenuated. Also, since tooth decay develops somewhat slowly over time, it would be very difficult to maintain these controlled influences on people’s behaviors over, say, several years.

In some limited circumstances, it may be ethical to conduct a study in which people are induced to do something that may confer some risk, such as eating more processed food. But this could only be done for a limited time, and could never be done with a dangerous and addictive exposure such as smoking. For example, it may be possible to conduct a study in which people are provided with an unhealthy meal once a day for a month. A study like this would be reviewed very carefully before being approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB, the panel of experts that must approve all studies within an institution that involve human subjects). Also, it would be necessary to demonstrate ahead of time that the value of performing the study is high. Such a study would almost certainly be restricted to low-risk participants (e.g. young people with no significant health problems).

Analogously, it may be possible to completely prevent people from eating processed food for a short period of time, for example, by having the subjects live in a research facility where all of their food is provided to them. But clearly this would be expensive, and could only be done for a short period of time (far too short to see an association with tooth decay).

Other aspects of study design #

The distinction between observational and interventional studies is arguably the most important aspect of a research study. But there are other aspects of study designs that are also important to be aware of. We will discuss a few such notions here.

A cross-sectional study takes a dynamic, time-evolving system, and studies it based on a snapshot taken at a specific point in time. Cross-sectional studies are somewhat simpler to conduct than other types of studies, but may be less informative. For example, a basic cross-sectional study looking at the relationship between processed food consumption and dental cavities would involve contacting people on a single occasion, and asking them about their diet and oral hygiene habits. Since we would only be contacting the subjects one time, we would only be able to directly measure the current status of these two factors. We would not know anything about processed food consumption in the past, so we would not know whether any cavities that are present preceded, or followed periods of eating a diet heavy in processed foods. Due to these and other issues, most cross-sectional studies provide less evidence for causal relationships than other types of observational studies.

A longitudinal study involves repeated interactions with the same subject over a period of time. On each occasion, we obtain additional data. In our study of dental cavities, we would see new cavities as they occur, and we would also be able to track changes in people’s dietary and oral hygiene habits. A critical advantage of a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study is that we can see the temporal ordering of the exposure and the outcome, rather than only seeing them at one time (as would be the case for diet in a cross sectional study), or seeing them only in cumulative form (as would be the case for cavities in a cross-sectional study). Longitudinal studies require more effort and expense for those collecting the data, and can sometimes involve more advanced statistical methods for data analysis. But in most cases, a longitudinal study will provide a better quality of evidence than a cross-sectional study.

Studies can have either a prospective or a retrospective character, and this distinction is especially relevant for studies involving human subjects. A retrospective study is one in which all data are collected after the events of interest have occurred. For example, if we were interested in the relationship between dental cavities and processed food consumption in young children, but collected data from teenagers, then this would be a retrospective study. In a prospective study for the same research question, we would enroll young children into our study, and follow them as they progress through childhood. A retrospective study often asks the subjects to recall past exposures and past outcomes, and for many such characteristics recall can be inaccurate and biased.

In general, prospective studies yield more informative data than retrospective studies. But in some situations, retrospective studies can still provide high-quality evidence. In the case of dental cavities, dental records should provide accurate information about when cavities occurred. However data on food consumption obtained retrospectively would generally be far inferior to data on food consumption obtained prospectively.

A trial is a specific type of research study aiming to establish whether one way of doing something is more effective than another. Trials are especially common in medical research, where they are often called “clinical trials.” The goal of a clinical trial is usually to establish whether a drug, medical device, or therapy is safe and effective. Trials also arise in non-medical settings. For example, in education research we may have a trial to compare different approaches to teaching a subjects. In manufacturing, we may have a trial to compare the efficiency and quality of two ways of manufacturing a product.

A case/control study is used when studying a rare trait (such as a rare disease). In a standard case/control study, we identify a set of people with the trait of interest, say, people who are being treated for a form of cancer in a particular hospital, then we identify an equal number of people who don’t have the disease. The people with the disease are the cases and the people without the disease are the controls. This basic case/control design has 1:1 matching, so that there is one control for every case. Other ratios are possible, e.g. having three controls for every case. Often in a case/control study, we will attempt to match the cases to the controls on other relevant factors. For example, if we are studying cancer cases whose average age is 68, we would aim to identify controls whose average age is 68.

A cohort study is essentially the opposite of a case/control study. In a cohort study we identify a collection of individuals (say, people), and then determine who within that group has the condition of interest and who does not. For example, we could define the population of Ann Arbor residents over age 65 as the cohort, and then aim to identify within that cohort who has a particular disease of interest. Cohort studies also have cases and controls, but the “case status” is determined after the sample is obtained, rather than being part of the sampling process.

A cluster sample is a common way of collecting data on very large populations that are very dispersed and thus difficult to sample directly. A basic example of a cluster sample of the United States population would be to first randomly sample 20 counties out of all counties in the US. Then we would randomly sample, say, 100 people from each of the 20 selected counties. This would give us an overall sample size of 2000, but it is not a simple random sample of the United States population. Each person is equally likely to be included in the sample, but each subset of size 2000 is not equally likely to be chosen (this is the definition of simple random sample). Subsets that cover more than 20 counties have zero chance of being selected in the cluster sample described above.

The main reason to use a cluster sample is logistics. If you aim to interview people, or request administrative data (say medical or school records), it is much easier to work with a limited number of counties, and interview or otherwise obtain data on multiple people per county, rather than having a sample that is spread over the US, with most people in our study being the only representative of their county.

A survey is a study whose goal is to estimate the absolute level of one or more variables, with a particular focus on obtaining estimates that accurately reflect a defined target population. For example, we may wish to estimate the proportion of people who support a candidate in an upcoming election. For such an estimate to be of value, it is essential that it reflect the population of people who are eligible to vote, or who are likely to vote in the election. An estimate that reflects only a subset of people in the population is of very little value, because it is not generally a good predictor of the election’s outcome. Although accurately reflecting a target population is desirable in many forms of research, it is most essential in a survey, since that is the explicit goal of many surveys.

The main challenge of a survey is that in most cases we cannot force people to respond or participate. This leads to a form of selection bias, in which it is possible that, say, supporters of one candidate in an election are under-represented in the survey compared to supporters of another candidate. This could lead to the survey misstating which candidate is expected to win the election. A common technique in survey research for addressing this issue is to use weighting to compensate for this. For example, suppose that we conduct a survey in which men are half as likely to respond as women. A weighting adjustment would involve counting each man’s vote twice when estimating the level of support for each candidate.