
Measurement #

In designing a data-driven research study, two of the most important questions are “who to measure” and “what to measure”. The first question is about what “units” we should study. The second question is about what characteristics of these “units” we should focus on. Measurement deals with all aspects of capturing the relevant characteristics of our analysis units. In some cases, measurement is fairly straightforward. If we want to know how many cars a person owns, most people can provide a straightforward answer about this when asked. Nevertheless, we could encounter some corner cases where someone may have an undriveable car parked in their backyard, or a motorcycle, or a car that they own jointly with another person.

Traits that arise in various fields of scientific study are often quite difficult to measure. Here are three examples:

  • In molecular biology, there are many traits related to genetics, or to the molecular composition of cells and tissues, or to the microbiome that is resident in nearly all multicellular organisms. In recent years, great progress has been made in developing assays that allow molecular-level traits to be measured on humans and other research subjects. However these assays are expensive, hard to use, and are subject to poorly-understood errors.

  • In physics, some atomic and subatomic phenomena are extremely difficult to measure, and we can even encounter the famed “Heisenberg uncertainty principal”, stating that certain characteristics of a particle are impossible to measure together.

  • In psychology, the field of “measurement” has been studied intensely. For example, the challenges of measuring “mood”, “personality”, and various forms of “intelligence” have been extensively considered over the past 100 years.

Systematic and random measurement error #

Measurement error is any difference that exists between the measurement we make, and the idealized value that we would wish to obtain. From a statistical perspective, measurement errors are often seen as having two components: a systematic component and a random component. The systematic component of measurement error affects all collected data values equally. The random component of measurement error impacts each collected data value in a unique way.

Systematic measurement error reflects bias that is inherent in the measurement process. For example, if you conduct a survey of office workers and ask people whether they ever come to work intoxicated, the data are likely to underestimate the rate at which this happens. This is due to “social desirability bias” that impacts the way that people respond to questions about sensitive topics. This type of error is almost certainly systematic rather than random, since it is much more likely that people will fail to acknowledge a socially undesirable activity, rather than exaggerate it.

Random measurement error is often simply thought of as “noise”. Even a physical measurement like length or mass can only be measured in practice to some degree of precision. Attempts to measure beyond the precision limits of the measurement instrument may lead to seemingly random errors in the data – these errors are random because in many cases it is equally likely that the error leads to the value being larger than the truth versus being smaller than the truth.

Some traits, like blood pressure, are known to have a very substantial component of random error when measured in the conventional way (i.e. with a blood pressure cuff). If two people measure a subject’s blood pressure at almost the same time, or if one person measures a subject’s blood pressure twice in rapid succession, the measured values can easily differ by 10 mm/Hg (the units of blood pressure). This may be because of a subjective component to the way that the measures are obtained (the person taking the reading has to make judgments based on sounds), or it may be because the subject’s actual blood pressure can change quite rapidly, making it difficult to define a value that is meaningful beyond the moment at which it was measured. Regardless, it is difficult to quantify a person’s blood pressure to high precision due to a major contribution from random measurement error.

It is important to distinguish random measurement error from actual variation in the trait of interest. Considering the trait of blood pressure, as noted above there may be 10 mm/Hg random measurement error in any particular blood pressure measurement. However the true blood pressures of two different people may differ, and the true blood pressure of one person may change over time. By “true” blood pressure, we mean the blood pressure as if it were measured without any measurement error. If these differences in true blood pressure are similar to or smaller in magnitude than the measurement error, it may be hard to see the differences using data, but the differences are still there. For blood pressure, inter-person differences can easily be 40 mm/Hg or more; differences of this magnitude will be easily distinguishable from the measurement error.

Systematic and random sources of measurement error have very different implications for the analysis that is being conducted. Due to the law of large numbers, which we will discuss later in the course, the impact of random measurement error on many summary statistics will diminish as the sample size grows. This is because random measurement errors tend to “cancel out” when averaging. However systematic measurement errors are not impacted by sample size. Thus, in many settings, systematic errors are the greater challenge, although if data are very expensive to collect and we are forced to work with a small sample, random measurement errors can also play a major role in determining the overall uncertainty of our findings.