Blocking, matching, and paired comparisons #
In research that aims to rigorously attribute mechanisms to one or more explanatory factors, it is difficult yet very important to attempt to isolate the roles of factors of primary interest from the roles of other factors that are of lesser interest.
As an example, suppose we are interested in the relationship between regular exercise and cognitive function in older adults. A very simple study design would be to recruit, say, 200 subjects, interview them about their physical activity, administer a cognitive assessment, then compare the cognitive scores between people with high and low levels of physical activity.
This design could yield misleading results for a number of reasons. One issue is that there could be confounders that affect both physical activity and cognitive level. For example, perhaps people with full time jobs have higher cognitive scores but lower physical activity. In this case, having a full time job is a confounder of the relationship between physical activity and cognitive ability.
Another issue is that there could be variables that strongly influence only one of the variables of interest, for example, perhaps physical activity differs by sex but cognitive ability does not. In this case, sex is not a confounder, but heterogeneity due to sex differences will reduce the statistical power to understand the relationship between physical activity and cognitive level.
One way to address these issues is by blocking the data prior to analysis. Essentially, this means that we put the units into groups that are similar in terms of factors that are of lesser interest, so that we can more clearly see the roles of the factors that are of primary interest.
Blocking is a very general and broadly-applicable strategy. It can be implemented in many ways, but in this course we will only consider one type of blocking, which is a paired test of means. This test is best known as the paired t-test, but we will be considering only the approximate large sample version of this test which we will call the paired Z-test.
Continuing with the example above, suppose we recruit only identical twin sisters into our study, selecting only twins for which one sister has high physical activity and the other sister has low physical activity. Even though twin sisters tend to be alike in many ways, physical activity is not completely heritable, so it should be possible to identify twin sisters who are different in this particular way.
Identical twins are genetically identical, and usually experience a shared environment during childhood. This diminishes or eliminates many potential confounders and removes a great deal of heterogeneity.
The data for this analysis can be denoted \((x_i, y_i)\) , where \(x_i\) is the cognitive score for the sister with high physical activity and \(y_i\) is the cognitive score for the sister with low physical activity. In a conventional unpaired Z-test, we would use the following test statistic:
\((\bar{x}-\bar{y})/\sqrt{\hat{\sigma}_x^2/n + \hat{\sigma}_y^2/n}\)Note that here, the sample sizes for the two groups ( \(x_i\) and \(y_i\) ) are the same, so there is only one sample size \(n\) .
A paired Z-test works with the differenced data \(z_i = x_i - y_i\) . As a result, we are only comparing each individual with high physical activity to her sister with low physical activity, rather than comparing every individual with high activity to every other individual with low physical activity. By comparing only within same-sex siblings, we eliminate the roles of many confounders and many variables of secondary interest.
The null hypothesis for this analysis is that the expected value of the \(x_i\) is equal to the expected value of the \(y_i\) . This null hypothesis implies that the expected value of the \(z_i\) is zero. We therefore need an appropriate test statistic for this hypothesis.
To construct this test statistic, we start with the sample mean \(\bar{z}\) , and standardize it by dividing it by its standard error. As we know, the standard error of the mean, or SEM, is \(\sigma^2/n\) which we can estimate in this setting with \(\hat{\sigma}_z^2/n\) , where \(\hat{\sigma}_z\) is the sample standard deviation of the \(z_i\) . Finally, invoking the CLT, we compare the test statistic to a standard normal reference distribution.
As an example, suppose we found that \(\bar{z} = 0.8\) and \(\hat{\sigma}_z = 3.9\) with a sample size of \(n=150\) . The test statistic in this case will be around 2.51, which yields a p-value of around 0.01. Thus, we can declare that there is a statistically significant difference between the cognitive scores of active and less-active women, with the active women having higher cognitive scores.
It is instructive to consider what might happen in this setting if we ignored the pairing, and conducted an unpaired two sample Z-test. By rearranging terms, we can see that \(\bar{z} = \bar{x} - \bar{y}\) . Thus, the numerators of the paired and unpaired test statistics are identical. In this example, both are equal to 0.8. However the denominators of the test statistics can be quite different, and in general, the denominator of the unpaired statistic will be larger. Suppose, for example, that \(\hat{\sigma}_x=5.2\) and \(\hat{\sigma}_y=6.1\) . In this case, the unpaired test statistic will be equal to 1.22, which provides no evidence for a significant difference. Thus, in this case we reject the null hypothesis under the paired test, but not under the unpaired test.
The reason that the paired test usually has more power than the unpaired test is that we select the pairs to be similar in terms of many characteristics that are not of interest. By doing so, the effects of these uninteresting characteristics cancel out when we subtract the data within pairs. Note that there is no “free lunch” here. If we do not have a natural way to pair the data, e.g. if in the study of cognitive level we pair people at random rather than pairing people who are similar, there will be no gain in power, and the paired and unpaired tests will almost always agree.