Information Sample Size

Information and sample size #

One of the fundamental premises of empirical research is that as we collect more and more data, we should get a better understanding of the evidence relating to our research question. Here we will discuss some ways that we can formalize how data contains “information”, and how this information accumulates with increasing sample sizes.

We will focus on the central statistical task of estimation. In statistics, an estimate is a value, obtained from data, that is used to learn something about the population. In most cases, we will use a statistic to estimate its “population analogue”. The prototypical such setting is to use the sample mean (average) to estimate the population mean (expected value).

It is important to keep in mind that the sample mean is a random quantity, since it generally will change if we repeat our data collection. On the other hand, the population mean is not random, it is a constant. A primary goal for collecting data is often to use averaging to reduce the “noise” in the sample statistic (e.g. the sample mean), so that it becomes a more precise estimate of its population analogue.

As an example, suppose that we are interested in determining the boiling point of acetic acid, which happens to be 117.9 C. We use an experimental approach in which we heat liquid acetic acid until it appears to boil, then record the temperature using a well-calibrated centigrade thermometer. Each “trial” of our experiment will yield one value, and since this is a crude experimental approach, these values may deviate substantially from the truth. For example, the first five measurements might be 116, 129, 124, 118, and 118. As noted above, it is very natural to use the average of multiple measurements to improve the precision of the estimates.

Now imagine replicating our study at a fixed sample size n, say n=5. If we were to replicate our study five times, we would get five data sets, and five sample means, as shown below.

Set 1 109 116 123 118 124 118
Set 2 125 122 123 120 106 119
Set 3 109 114 122 111 127 117
Set 4 130 122 112 121 124 122
Set 5 108 113 113 120 115 114

Without doing any calculations, we can see that the individual measurements are much more dispersed than the sample means. This illustrates how precision is improved by collecting multiple data points and averaging.

Previously we have discussed the use of the variance (the average squared deviation from the mean) to quantify the dispersion in a collection of data values. The variance of the 25 individual boiling point measurements in the table above is around 43. Since the sample mean, shown in the final column of the table, is a statistic, it is random and hence has its own variance. However the repeated values of the sample mean will be less dispersed than the repeated values of the individual measurements. The five sample means shown above, each of which is the average of five repeated observations of the boiling point of acetic acid, have a variance that is around 9.

There is an important theoretical fact that underlies the above discussion. If we average n repeated observations of the same quantity, then the variance of this average value is 1/n times the variance of the individual measurements. In the example above, this theoretical fact is approximately satisfied, since 43/9 ~ 5. The relationship is not satisfied exactly because we only took five data sets in our illustration. For the relationship to hold exactly, we would need to have infinitely many data samples, each of size 5. This “variance scaling relationship” is an extremely useful indication of how and why we get more information from larger samples, and arguably is the single most important theoretical fact that underlies the practice of statistics and data science.

It is important to keep in mind that in practice we never collect multiple data sets as in the illustration above. If we had 25 observations, we would treat that as one data set of size 25, not 5 data sets of size 5. However much of statistics is based on the thought exercise of imagining how much your results might differ if you were to repeat your data collection and data analysis. The illustration above pertains to a setting where we can only collect five observations. The numerical and theoretical results discussed here allow us to quantify how much the results of our analysis would vary if we (hypothetically) were to replicate it, even though in practice we would not do so.

Variance plays a central role in statistics, but it is important to note that in different settings, we may benefit from variance, or it may challenge us by making it more difficult to answer our research questions. When our goal is to estimate a population quantity, we always want the variance of our estimate to be as small as possible. Thus, dividing the variance of the individual measurements by the sample size n is helpful to us, and shows that the variance can be made as small as we like as long as we can acquire a sufficiently large sample size. The variance of a statistic and the variance of the data values are both variances. But their purpose and interpretation are quite different. Sometimes, the variance of a statistic is called the sampling variance, to clearly distinguish it from the variance of the data.

When we introduced the variance earlier in the course, we noted that it has different units than the data. If the data are in degrees centigrade, as is the case here, then the variance has units of degrees centigrade squared. This can make it difficult to interpret the variance in practice, and motivates the use of the standard deviation, which is simply the square root of the variance. The standard deviation of a statistic is often called the standard error, and in particular, when our statistic is the mean, it may be referred to as the standard error of the mean, or SEM.

The variance scaling relationship gives rise to an analogous “standard error scaling relationship”, which is that the standard error (or standard deviation) of the sample mean, based on averaging n independent and identically distributed observations, is \(1/\sqrt{n}\) times the standard deviation of the individual data values. The standard error scaling relationship gives a better sense of what is really happening, since standard error, like standard deviation, is in the same units as the data. To reduce the standard error of an estimate by a factor of two, we need the factor \(1/\sqrt{n}\) to become smaller by a factor of at least 1/2, which means that we need to increase n by a factor of 4. The standard error scaling relationship explains why modest increases in sample size don’t always lead to large gains in insight. If a study aiming to address a research question yields ambiguous results because the confidence intervals are too wide to be informative, the next study should generally have a substantially larger sample size to have hope of clarifying things. Repeating an ambiguous study using a similar or slightly larger sample size is unlikely to improve our understanding.

Law of large numbers #

The law of large numbers is a mathematical theorem that justifies much of the practice of data science and statistics. Above we saw that the precision of a statistic grows as we collect more data, with the standard error scaling by a factor of \(1/\sqrt{n}\) relative to the sample size \(n\) . The law of large numbers provides further support for the notion that with enough samples, we can learn anything we want to learn about the population, with minimal uncertainty.

Roughly speaking, the law of large numbers says that as we collect more and more data, the value of any given statistic will eventually become arbitrarily close to its population analogue. Our goal here is only to provide an intuitive view on the meaning of the law of large numbers. There are several versions of the law of large numbers, and precise statements involve limits, and will not be discussed further in this course.

In the example discussed above, where we aim to estimate the boiling point of acetic acid, we can imagine taking the average of larger and larger numbers of trials. The law of large numbers says, for example, that if we wish to be accurate to within 1 degree C, for a large enough sample we will reach that point. Similarly, if we want to be accurate to within 0.1 degrees C, for a large enough sample, we will reach that point as well. For any “tolerance” that is not exactly zero, the law of large numbers gaurantees that the average of sufficiently many points will fall within the tolerance relative to the target value.