Data transformations #
When analyzing quantitative data, it is important to consider the scale that is used to use to represent the data. Sometimes the scale that is most familiar, or easiest to measure, is not the scale that is most informative when it comes to analyzing and interpreting the data. In such situations, applying a transformation to the data helps to make it more informative. Here we discuss this topic, using several examples to illustrate.
Transforming data point-wise #
Reciprocal transformations #
In the United States, the fuel efficiency of vehicles is usually quantified in “MPG” (Miles per Gallon) – the number of miles that can be driven using one gallon of fuel. These numbers typically range from around 20 up to 40 or more for cars and light trucks, but are lower for heavier vehicles. Suppose that a shipping company would like to reduce its fuel consumption. Such a company would tend to use heavier vehicles that consume more fuel. Imagine that the shipping company has 1000 older trucks with an 8 MPG rating, and 1000 newer trucks with a 16 MPG rating. For simplicity, imagine that the older and newer trucks can carry the same amount of goods, and that each of these 2000 trucks is driven 100 miles per day. The average MPG rating for this fleet of trucks is 12 MPG (the average of 8 and 16), but is this the right way to summarize these data? The total fuel consumed per day by one of the heavier trucks is 100/8 = 12.5 gallons, and the total fuel consumed per day by one of the lighter trucks is 100/16 = 6.25 gallons. Thus, the average amount of fuel consumed per day is 9.375 gallons, which corresponds to 100/9.375 ~ 10.7 miles per gallon. Note that we have obtained two different average values, 12 and 10.7, using the same data, but calculating the average on two different scales.
Since the shipping company will likely not change the number of miles traveled if they change the vehicles in their fleet, and a gallon of fuel costs the same whether you put it in an efficient truck or an inefficient truck, arguably, the most relevant statistic for summarizing the fuel efficiency of the shipping company’s fleet is 10.7 (the average gallons per mile), not 12 (the average miles per gallon). This reflects the amount of money that the company will spend on fuel. Both of these summary statistics are averages, but they are averages taken on different scales. It turns out in this case that although we may collect the data on fuel economy using units of miles per gallon, units of “gallons per mile” is a more appropriate scale for analysis. Thus, we should take the reciprocal (1/x) of each data value prior to averaging, and then, if we wish, take the reciprocal of this average in order to present our results on the familiar MPG scale. This is exactly what was done above to obtain the 10.7 MPG value.
Logarithm transformations #
The reciprocal transformation is just one of many different mathematical transformations that may be usefully applied to data prior to analysis. It is not the most common such transformation – that would be the logarithm. The logarithm is a very powerful tool that dramatically simplifies many mathematical operations. The key property of a logarithm is that it converts multiplication into addition: \(\log(a\cdot b) = \log(a) + \log(b)\) . This turns out to be very useful when analyzing data.
Suppose we are interested in state-level income in the United States. For the sake of illustration, imagine that we have two states, A and B, that have the same number of residents. Income varies within state A and within state B, but imagine that every person in state A has a counterpart in state B with the same occupation, whose income is exactly \(f\) times different, for some constant \(f > 0\) . This would imply that a barber in state B earns \(f\) times the income of a barber in state A, a teacher in state B earns \(f\) times the income of a teacher in state A, and so on.
Let \(x_i\) denote the income of the i’th resident of state A, and let \(y_i\) denote the income of their counterpart in state B. Then \(y_i = f x_i\) , and hence \(\log(y_i) = \log(f) + \log(x_i)\) . Thus, the average log-scale income in state B will be \(\log(f)\) units different (in an additive sense) than the average log-scale income in state A. Since \(\log(1) = 0\) , if \(f=1\) then the average log-scale incomes in the two states are equal. Similarly, \(\log(f)\) is greater than 0 or less than 0 when when \(f\) is greater than 1, or less than 1, respectively. Thus the sign of \(\log(f)\) is negative, zero, or positive based on whether the income in state B tends to be less than, equal to, or greater than the income in state A.
The importance of the log transformation is that it captures a multiplicative, rather than an additive relationship when comparing two data sets. This is often (but not always) more informative when dealing with heterogeneous populations. The notion of heterogeneity is extremely important and will arise throughout this course. The key point here is that in the United States at this time, certain professions earn much greater income than others, and these differences tend to exist in every state. Every state has barbers, teachers, lawyers, and heart surgeons, and all do essential work, but heart surgeons earn more than barbers in nearly every case. When comparing two states, the overall state incomes can differ for two reasons. One is that one state may have a higher fraction of people in high-earning jobs than another state. The other is that people in the same job types may earn different incomes in different states. Comparing incomes on the log scale is arguably the most natural analytic approach, especially if the latter effect dominates.
Another setting where log transformations play an important role is when working with data from systems that exhibit exponential growth. Many real-world processes can exhibit exponential growth, including pandemics and investment returns. In the real world, exponential growth cannot persist for long, but in some regimes, an exponential growth model is a good way to describe the behavior of a system. If a system exhibits exponential growth, in many cases log transforming the data induces linear behavior. Thus, log transformations can be very useful when working with data from systems of this type.
Yet another situation where log transforms can be effective is if we are looking at relationships within or between quantities that vary over multiple orders of magnitude. For example, if we look at the population size and gross domestic product of each country in the world, it is natural to consider these quantities on a logarithmic scale. If country A has twice as many people as country B, then country A would be expected to have twice the economic activity of country B (assuming their economic structures are similar). This is because production and consumption by humans is the driver of economic activity. As a result of this relationship, countries with similar levels of economic activity will appear along the same line through the origin when considering a scatterplot of log GDP versus log population size.
A final reason that we might log-transform data is to induce symmetry in the distribution of the data. We have discussed the concept of a distribution being skewed. Many variables, such as household income, are quite skewed on their natural scale (units of money), but reasonably symmetric after log transforming the income values. Skewed distributions are not bad, and it is not necessary to always seek to symmetrize every skewed distribution that you encounter. However, in some cases that we will discuss later in the course, it can be valuable to work with symmetrically-distributed values, and in many cases log transforming the data will achieve this goal.
Geometric and harmonic means #
Suppose we calculate mean of log-transformed data, and then exponentiate this mean value to return the result to the original scale. This turns out to be exactly equivalent to calculating the product of the n data values, and then taking the n’th root of this product. For example, if we have three data values \(x_1, x_2, x_3\) , then we would get
\(\exp((\log(x_1) +\log(x_2) + \log(x_3))/3) = (x_1\cdot x_2\cdot x_3)^{1/3}\) .
This is in contrast to the usual mean in which we take \((x_1 + x_2 + x_3)/3\) . These two “mean values” are referred to as the geometric mean and the arithmetic mean, respectively. There is a third such “classical mean” called the harmonic mean, which for three data values would be
\(1/((1/x_1 + 1/x_2 + 1/x_3)/3)\) .
The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the arithmetic mean of the reciprocals of the data values – exactly what we did above when considering the fuel economies of vehicles.
We see here that the three “classical means” – arithmetic, geometric, and harmonic, can be obtained by taking the arithmetic mean of transformed data, then transforming this result. In this course, we will take the perspective that there is really only one mean – the arithmetic mean (i.e. the simple average), and we will call it simply the “mean”. The geometric mean and harmonic mean can be obtained from the arithmetic mean by calculating the arithmetic mean using transformed data – log transformed data for the geometric mean, and reciprocal transformed data for the harmonic mean.
Centering, scaling, and normalizing transformations #
The transformations discussed in the previous section are point-wise transformations, because they transform each element individually, without reference to the other values. The next class of transformations that we consider do not have this property.
A large class of transformations has the goal of standardizing data in some way. We have already encountered “residuals” which are formed by subtracting either the overall mean or the overall median from each data value. Forming residuals is a centering transformation, in that it results in the data being distributed around zero – that is, zero falls at some point within the range of data values. If the overall central value is not important for a given analysis, it may make sense to center the data. Note that since the mean or median are calculated using all of the data, the process of forming residuals is not a point-wise transformation as defined above.
Centering the data places zero within the range of the data, but two centered data sets can have very different levels of dispersion. Thus, in some cases it is valuable to go one step further and transform the data to have a specific, reference level of dispersion. This can be achieved by taking the centered data, and dividing it by some measure of dispersion such as the standard deviation, the IQR, or the MAD (note that it would not make sense to divide by the variance, since this has different units from the the data). If we divide the data by a measure of dispersion, then the transformed data will have “unit dispersion”, i.e. a dispersion value of 1 with respect to that measure. For example, if we divide the data by the IQR, then the transformed data will have an IQR of 1. This type of transformation is called a scaling transformation.
Usually, a scaling transformation is applied after first applying a centering transformation. The combined effect of a centering and scaling transformation may be called a normalizing or standardizing transformation. Note that these transformations have a linear form, since they involve subtraction and division by constants. A linear transformation plays a different role than a non-linear transformation, such as the log-transformation that we discussed above.
When standardizing data by applying both a centering and a scaling transformation, it is most common to use either a quantile-based transformation for both centering and scaling, or a moment-based transformation for both centering and scaling. It is less common to mix, say, a quantile-based transformation for centering with a moment-based transformation for scaling.
Normalizing transformations are often said to convert the data to Z-scores. A Z-score is a linearly transformed version of a dataset that has location equal to 0 and dispersion equal to 1. The location is typically quantified using either the mean or the median, and the dispersion is typically quantified using the standard deviation, MAD, or IQR.
Differencing transformations #
In many settings, our research question focuses more on change than on absolute levels. For example, we may be interested in the difference in the HIV infection rate between 2020 and 2015, not the absolute HIV infection rates in either year. Suppose we have data on the level of HIV infection among adults in each US county, in 2020 and 2015. A simple transformation that would make sense in many contexts would be to subtract the HIV infection rate in 2015 from the HIV infection rate in 2020, for each county. This reduces the data to “change scores”, which are more relevant for the stated research question.
Another setting where it might make sense to work with difference-transformed data would be in the setting of a clinical trial of a medical treatment. Suppose we are investigating a drug that is intended to lower blood pressure. Each participants blood pressure prior to the beginning of the trial was noted, then a second blood pressure measurement was obtained after the subject took the drug for six months. For example, a given subject may have had systolic blood pressure (SBP) equal to 155 before taking the drug, and 138 after taking the drug for six months. The change score for this subject is 155 - 138 = 17.
Occasionally it may be useful to think in terms of ratios rather than differences. Imagine that a chain of stores ran a promotional campaign, and recorded the total sales within each store before and after the campaign. As examples, one store might have seen its sales change from 800 to 1000 (USD/day) and another store might have seen its sales change from 8000 to 9000 (USD/day). The latter store had a 1000 USD/day increase, and the former store had a 200 USD/day increase. However, the former store had a much lower volume of sales prior to the promotion, and it would likely be unrealistic to imagine it having a 1000 USD/day increase due only to one promotion. A ratio transformation of the data would represent the first store’s sales change as 1000/800 ~ 1.25, and the second store’s sales change as 9000/8000 ~1.125. The change scores based on ratios show that the first store outperformed the second store, whereas the change scores based on differences show the opposite.
In many cases, we can take advantage of the properties of the log transformation, allowing us to avoid forming ratios from the data. The logarithm of a ratio is simply the difference of the log-transformed numerator and denominator: log(a/b) = log(a)- log(b). Thus, if we log transform the sales data for each store, then an analysis of differences applied to the log-scale data would be equivalent to an analysis of ratios of the original data.