Algorithms and data-driven decision rules #
Perhaps the most profound way that data science has impacted the broader society over the last 10 years has been through the rapid proliferation of data-driven decision rules in commerce, government, and healthcare, to name just a few areas. A data-driven decision rule is a way to make a prediction about something that is currently unknown. These decisions are algorithmic, meaning that they are mostly automated and performed by computers using rules, and are also data-driven, meaning that observations made in the real world form the raw material that the algorithms act on. Both the nature of the data and the structure of the algorithm are important in determining the performance characteristics of a decision rule.
Machine learning and expert systems #
Algorithmic decision making has roots in the field of statistics, for example in work on decision theory, prediction, and forecasting, and in computer science, especially in the subfield of artificial intelligence. A wave of interest in artificial intelligence among computer scientists occurred during the 1980’s. But at that time, there was much less interest in the use of data to drive the decision-making process. Researchers in that era largely felt that the logic of human experts should be used as the basis for making algorithmic predictions and decisions. For example, it was thought that we could interview a physician and aim to “elicit” all of the signs and symptoms that she or he uses to make a medical diagnosis, then codify that logic into an algorithm. Such efforts, however, were largely unsuccessful.
A new wave of interest in artificial intelligence began around the year 2000, and coincided with much wider availability of sensors for wide-scale data collection, much greater computing and data storage capacity, and much more extensive networking between computers. This has also been a time when people began to spend a great deal of their lives in the digital world, which greatly facilitates the collection of data about human behavior. The predominant theme of this era has been to make algorithmic decisions using machine learning, which broadly means that we use “learning algorithms” to develop the algorithms that are in turn used to make decisions. Thus, we are using algorithms to write algorithms. These learning algorithms are “trained” on data. Major advances in the early 2000’s indicated that with sufficient amounts of training data, machine learning algorithms can create extremely complex and accurate prediction rules that reach or even exceed the performance level of human experts.
The prevailing wisdom at the present time is that the cognitive processes that human experts use in making judgments are in general too complex and subtle to be represented explicitly as pure logic. Also, humans seem to be inefficient and ineffective at codifying the logic behind our own thinking. For these reasons, data-driven machine learning is currently the dominant paradigm for developing algorithms to make decisions in complex real-world settings.
Applications of algorithmic decision making #
We will not get into the mechanics of how a data-driven prediction rule are constructed here (we will touch on this topic later in the course). Instead, we will discuss at a high level some of the tasks for which data-driven prediction rules have been deployed, and we will discuss some of their positive and negative impacts.
It is well-known that data-driven algorithms can be used to make predictions of the values stocks and other securities, or the outcomes of sporting competitions or elections. But there are many other areas where data-driven decision rules are used. These algorithms can have profound impacts on people’s lives, and for the most part, people are quite unaware of how widely they have been deployed.
One example of a data-driven decision rule is a recommender system, which is something that is widely deployed in commerce, especially internet commerce. When you visit a shopping site on the internet, products that might interest you are displayed along with any products that you explicitly search for. These recommended products are identified by algorithms, and may be related to your current or past searches, or may be items that other people with your demographic profile have recently purchased. While aiming to match your interests, recommendations may also be biased in favor of products that the owners of the platform would especially like to sell, perhaps because the return is higher, or to help with inventory management. Thus, while a recommender algorithm may be providing the user with a valuable service, the algorithm is also working to further the retailer’s interests.
Recommender systems are also used in less-tangible commercial settings, for example, they may be deployed in a streaming media service to recommend content that a user may wish to watch. The key point remains that the recommendations are automatic and data-driven, and they generally aim to maximize the likelihood that a user will end up making a purchase, or spend more time on the platform. These goals are accomplished by pooling information about the user’s past activity on the platform, e.g. products viewed or searched for in the past, with the same information for other users of the platform. At a high level, the goal is to make recommendations that have successfuly engaged “people like you” in the past.
The major on-line platforms collect and retain tremendous amounts of data about their user’s behaviors, and sometimes obtain information about off-line behavior that can be linked to data from on-line behavior. Given this huge amount of data, many people are surprised at how accurately a platform can anticipate their interests. This of course provides a valuable service to the user, which is not a bad thing. But there are many concerns about the broader impacts of the mass deployment of this type of technology. It is clear that in many cases, recommendation systems that cater to people’s existing interests can lead to increased levels of polarization in society as a whole. This is clearly evident in on-line news aggregators, which tend to recommend more content from the same viewpoint that the user already has, rather than challenging people with viewpoints that diverge from their own.
Data-driven prediction algorithms are also used in the “back-end” of many commercial operations. A famous example of this would be the “credit scores” that determine how easily a person can get a credit card, what the interest terms are, and what maximum balance is allowed. If “people like you” have generally paid off their credit card bills on time, then the prediction algorithm will consider you to be a “good risk”, and may give you a high credit limit and lower interest rate. On the other hand, if people like you have frequently defaulted or been slow to pay off their balance, you may be given a higher interest rate and a lower credit limit.
Ethical aspects of algorithmic decision making #
There are many ethical challenges in developing predictio algorithms that are intended for mass deployment. It is possible that algorithms in current use discriminate against certain classes of people, for example based on sex or ethnicity. Even when it is illegal to explicitly use characteristics such as sex or race in the implementation of a decision rule, it is possible that the rule may use other information that is related to sex and race, and end up making offers in a discriminatory way.
An especially controversial application area for algorithmic decisions is in the court system. In recent years, prediction algorithms have been widely used in the American criminal justice system to inform decisions related to sentencing, and to set bail (the money that must be given to the court to ensure that a defendant does not flee before their trial). If an algorithm predicts that a person will “skip bail” and not attend their trial, a judge may order a very high level of bail. At the sentencing stage after a person is convicted of a crime, if an algorithm predicts that a person is more likely to re-offend, a judge may decide to give that person a longer sentence. The systems used to make such predictions are generally proprietary, and their inner workings are secret. Although it may be true, as claimed, that they do not explicitly use demographic information such as race, it is entirely possible that the algorithm may recommend higher bail or harsher sentences for people of one race over another, even if the subjects being sentenced are identical in every measured way other than race.
Another area where data-driven measures of risk have been extensively used is the insurance industry. The very purpose of the insurance industry is to make predictions about risk, and price policies accordingly. In its most traditional form, people whose house is more likely to be destroyed in a natural disaster pay more for homeowner’s insurance, people whose car is more likely to be stolen pay more for automobile insurance, and people who are more likely to get a disease pay more for health insurance. However it has long been noted that the circumstances that lead to higher risk concentrate among certain demographic groups and in certain geographic areas. The traditional approach to pricing insurance policies may therefore reinforce and amplify existing inequalities and social divisions.
There have long been regulations on how insurance rates can be set, but increasingly sophisticated algorithms and methods of data analysis, and changing social attitudes about inequality, mean that this topic remains heavily debated. For example, having a pre-existing medical condition is one of the best predictors of the future medical expenses that a person will generate. In some cases, insurers have been prohibited from increasing the price of a policy to account for this increased risk, and therefore simply choose not to sell a policy to such people. Recently, there has been intense debate about whether this should be allowed.
Concerns about the “fairness” of algorithms used in ways that have deep impacts on people’s lives is an important emerging area of data science. This is a subtle topic, and it is not even straightforward to define exactly what it means for an algorithm to be “fair”.
While major ethical challenges remain, it is also important to note that algorithmic decision making has a positive side. One of the areas where machine learning is being deployed is in the assessment of medical conditions, including imaging diagnostics such as CT scans, and pathological assessment, e.g. to diagnose cancer or other diseases. In the past, many hospitals, especially rural hospitals, could generate such diagnostic images, but did not have an expert pathologist available to evaluate them. Also, it has long been noted that even experienced experts may disagree on the interpretation of such data. A very experienced expert with decades of experience has seen, at best, tens of thousands of images, and likely remembers only a tiny fraction of that information. A machine learning algorithm can be trained on essentially unlimited collections of images, easily reaching into the millions, and has essentially no limit on its ability to store and recall features of the images. Algorithmic decisions based on medical images are rapidly approaching and even exceeding the performance of human experts in this area, and have the potential to bring a higher standard of healthcare to underserved populations, and may also help to manage healthcare costs.